Sains Ma1aysiana 27: 1-8 (1998)                                                                                                                   Sains Hayat/

                                                                                                                                                                                Life Sciences


Kandungan Karnitin dalam Formula Bayi yang

Terdapat di Pasaran Tempatan

(Carnitine content in infant formulae from the local market)



Ayup Mohd Yatim & Mohd Hirol Anuar Suboh

Jabatan Sains Makanan dan Pemakanan Fakulti Sains Hayat

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi Se1angor D.E.





Kandungan karnitin bebas, terester dan jumlah dalam formula bayi untuk bayi yang berumur sehingga 6 bulan telah dikaji. Formula bayi yang dianalisis terbahagi kepada dua kumpulan iaitu lima yang berasaskan susu lembu (Jenama BSL-1 hingga BSL-5) dan lima yang berasaskan kacang soya (Jenama BKS-1 hingga BKS-5). Kajian ini mendapati kesemua formula mengandungi karnitin kecuali tiga daripada formula BKS (BKS-3, BKS-4 dan BKS-5). Kepekatan karnitin jumlah dan bebas adalah paling tinggi dalam formula BKS-1. Formula BKS-1 adalah satu daripada formula yang telah diperkuatkan dengan karnitin. Kandungan karnitin terester paling banyak dalam BSL-3. Walaupun terdapat karnitin dalam beberapaformula bayi yang dianalisis, kandungan jumlahnya masih rendah berbanding dalam susu lembu atau susu ibu.




The contents of free, esterified and total carnitine in infant formulae for infants ages up to 6 months old were studied. The infant formulae analyzed were divided into two groups. The first group consisted of five cow's milk-based formulae (Brand BSL-1 to BSL-5), and the other group consisted of five soy-based formulae (Brand BKS-I to BKS-5). This study found that all of the infant formulae except for three BKS formulas (BKS-3, BKS-4 and BKS-5) contained carnitine. The total and free carnitine concentrations were highest in BKS-I formula. BKS-1 is one of the formulae that has been fortified with camitine. Esterified carnitine content was highest in BSL-3 formula. Al­though carnitine was detected in many of the infant formulae analyzed, the total concentrations were much lower than in cow's or human milk.




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