Sains Malaysiana 37(1): 107-113(2008)


Penindasan Terpilih Gen-Gen Staphylococcus aureus Rintang Metisilin

Yang Dirawat Dengan Ekstrak Metanol Melastoma malabathricum

(Selective Inhibition of Genes in Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)

Treated with Melastoma Malabathricum Methanol Extract)



Zulaikah Mohamed

Makmal Kesihatan Awam

Jalan Kolam, Bukit Padang

Kota Kinabalu

88850 Sabah


Nazlina Ibrahim

Pusat Pengajian Biosains dan Bioteknologi

Fakulti Sains Dan Teknologi,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Bangi, 43600, Selangor Darul Ehsan


Ismail Bin Ahmad

Jabatan Bioteknologi

Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Sumber

UNIMAS, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak


Diserahkan:  Februari 2007/Diterima :  26 Jun 2007





Ekstrak metanol daun Melastoma malabathricum merencat pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 dan enam pencilan klinik Staphylococcus aureus rintang metisilin (MRSA 1-6). Nilai kepekatan terendah perencatan bakteria (MIC) adalah 1.565mg/ml dan nilai terendah bakterisid (MBC) adalah 3.125mg/ml. Ekstrak metanol daun M. malabathricum didapati merencat sistesis RNA MRSA4 pada kepekatan ekstrak 10mg/ml dengan mempamerkan profil RNA yang kehilangan tiga jalur berbanding kawalan. Analisis tindak balas transkriptase balik-berantai polimerase (RT-PCR) dengan tujuh pasang pencetus hanya berjaya menghasilkan empat amplikon cDNA. Kegagalan menghasilkan amplikon cDNA terhadap tiga pasang pencetus bagi gen-gen gyrA, femA dan nuc merujuk kepada kemungkinan berlakunya penindasan mRNA. Pemisahan protein endogen dan eksogen bakteria secara elektroforesis menunjukkan terdapatnya masing-masing tiga dan lima jalur protein yang ditindas dalam MRSA yang dirawat berbanding kawalan yang tidak dirawat. Manakala terdapat satu protein endogen dan tiga protein eksogen yang telah diekspres secara berlebihan.  Hasil analisis molekul dan proteom adalah selaras, dan berdasarkan pencetus yang digunakan, ekstrak methanol daun M. malabathricum berkemungkinan merencat pertumbuhan MRSA melalui penindasan sintesis DNA, penghasilan peptidoglikan dan penghasilan nuklease.


Kata kunci: Staphylococcus aureus Rintang Metisilin; Melastoma malabathricum; pengekspresan gen;  penghasilan protein





Methanol extract of Melastoma malabathricum leaves inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and six clinical isolates of Methicilin Resistant Stapyhlococcus aureus (MRSA 1-6). The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of test substance was 1.565mg/ml and the minimum bacteriocidal concentration (MBC) was 3.125 mg/ml. The methanol extract suppressed RNA synthesis at 10 mg/ml as shown by RNA profile which was devoid of three bands compared to the control. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis using seven primer pairs was only successful in amplifying four cDNA amplicons. The failure to amplify three cDNA amplicons for three primer pairs corresponding to gyrA, femA and nuc genes, implied the possibility of suppression of the corresponding mRNA. Electrophoretic separation of endogenous and exogenuos bacterial proteins showed that three and five protein, respectively were not expressed. One endogenous and three exogenous proteins were over-expressed in treated MRSA compared with untreated control. The results of the molecular and proteomic analyses are in agreement, and based on primers being used, metanol extract of M. malabathricum leaves possibly inhibits MRSA growth through inhibition of DNA synthesis, peptidoglycan production, and nuclease production.


Keywords:  Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus; Melastoma malabathricum; gene expression; protein production







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