Sains Malaysiana 44(4)(2015): 581–591


Nutritional Composition of Selected Commercial Biscuits in Malaysia

(Komposisi Nutrien dalam Beberapa Biskut Komersial Terpilih di Malaysia)





1Institute for Medical Research, Jalan Pahang, 50588 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


2Chemistry Department, Jalan Sultan, 46661 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


3Nutrition Division, Ministry of Health, Aras 1, Blok E3, Parcel E, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62590 Putrajaya, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 28 Mac 2014/Diterima: 20 Oktober 2014



The objective of this study was to determine the nutrient composition of selected commercial biscuits in Malaysia. A total of six brands from each type of biscuit (chocolate chip, corn, cracker with sugar, vegetable flavoured cracker, cream filled, oatmeal, shortbread and fully coated chocolate wafer) and five brands of wholemeal crackers were sampled from local supermarkets in the Klang Valley. The total energy content in commercial biscuits was ranging from 453.30 to 499.25 kcal/100 g. Carbohydrate was the major macronutrient in commercial biscuits ranging from 56.86 to 66.07 g/100 g. The highest protein content was found in the wholemeal crackers (9.92 g/100 g) and the lowest protein content was found in the cream filled biscuits (5.65 g/100 g). Fat content lay in the range of 16.89 to 25.75 g/100 g. The major minerals detected in biscuits were sodium, followed by calcium and magnesium. The vitamin content in A and E of the biscuits examined was almost comparable. Small quantities of trans fatty acids were detected in all biscuits in the range of 0.02 to 0.68 g/100 g. These findings indicate that Malaysian commercial biscuits are a good source of carbohydrate (34.12-39.64 g per serving), calcium (26.09-384.67 g per serving), magnesium (10.42-37.24 g per serving) and contain low proportion of trans fatty acids (0.01-0.41 g per serving).


Keywords: Commercial biscuits; fatty acids; minerals; Malaysia; nutritional composition



Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan komposisi nutrien dalam beberapa biskut komersial terpilih di Malaysia. Sebanyak enam jenama daripada setiap jenis biskut (cip coklat, jagung, 'cracker' dengan gula, 'cracker' berperisa sayur-sayuran, diisi krim, 'oatmeal', 'shortbread' dan wafer coklat bersalut sepenuhnya) dan lima jenama biskut 'cracker' gandum tulen telah disampel dari pasar raya tempatan di Lembah Klang. Biskut komersial mengandungi jumlah tenaga dalam julat 453.30-499.25 kilokalori. Karbohidrat adalah makronutrien utama dalam biskut komersial yang berjulat daripada 56.86-66.07 g/100 g. Kandungan protein tertinggi terdapat dalam 'cracker' gandum tulen (9.92 g/100 g) dan kandungan protein yang paling rendah ditemui dalam biskut diisi krim (5.65 g/100 g). Kandungan lemak berada dalam lingkungan 16.89-25.75 g/100 g. Mineral utama dikesan dalam biskut adalah natrium, diikuti dengan kalsium dan magnesium. Kandungan vitamin A dan E dalam biskut yang dianalisis semuanya hampir sama. Kuantiti kecil asid lemak trans dikesan pada semua biskut ialah di dalam lingkungan (0.02-0.68 g/100 g). Penemuan ini menunjukkan bahawa biskut komersial di Malaysia adalah punca yang baik untuk karbohidrat (34.12-39.64 g per sajian), kalsium (26.09-384.67 g per sajian), magnesium (10.42-37.24 g per sajian) dan mengandungi perkadaran asid lemak trans yang rendah (0.01-0.41 g per sajian).


Kata kunci: Asid lemak trans; biskut komersial; komposisi makanan; Malaysia; mineral


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