Sains Malaysiana 45(11)(2016): 1679–1687


Effect of Cement Additive and Curing Period on Some Engineering Properties of Treated Peat Soil

(Kesan Aditif Simen dan Tempoh Perawatan terhadap Beberapa Sifat Kejuruteraan Tanah Gambut Terawat)




Pusat Pengajian Sains Sekitaran dan Sumber Alam, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 20 September 2013/Diterima: 28 Mac 2016



Peat soil is characterized by its high content of decomposed organic matter. Majority of areas occupied by peatland have been developed for agriculture sectors such as pineapple cultivation and oil palm. Due to its geotechnical drawback characteristics such as highly compressibility and low shear strength, peat soil is classified as problematic soils and unstable for engineering structures. Lack of suitable and expensive price of lands, peatland will be an alternative option for future development. Prior to construction works, stabilization of peat soil should be carried out to enhance its engineering characteristics. This paper presents the effect of cement and curing period on engineering properties of the cement-treated peat soil. Some engineering variables were examined including the compaction behaviour, permeability and unconfined compressive strength (UCS). The Atterberg limit test was also performed to examine the influence of cement addition on peat soil. The cement-treated peat soils were prepared by adding varying amount of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) ranging between 0% and 40% of dry weight of peat soil. In order to examine the effect of curing, the treated samples were dried at room temperature for three and seven days while for UCS tests samples were extended to 28 days prior to testings. The results showed that the liquid limit of treated soil decreased with the increase of cement content. Maximum dry density (MDD) increased while optimum moisture content (OMC) dropped with the increase in cement content. Permeability of treated soil decreased from 6.2×10-4 to 2.4×10-4 ms-1 as cement content increase from 0% to 40%. In contrast, the UCS tests indicated an increase in uncompressive strength with the increase in cement contents and curing period. The liquid limit and permeability were also altered as curing periods were extended from three to seven days. This study concluded that geotechnical properties of peat soil can be stabilized using ordinary cement and by modification of the curing periods.


Keywords: Curing; peat soil; Portland cement; treated soil; unconfined compressive strength



Tanah gambut dicirikan oleh kandungan reputan organiknya yang tinggi. Kebanyakan kawasan tanah gambut telah dibangunkan untuk sektor pertanian seperti penanaman nenas dan kelapa sawit. Akibat daripada kelemahan sifat geotekniknya seperti kebolehmampatan yang tinggi dan kekuatan ricih yang rendah, tanah gambut dikelaskan sebagai tanah bermasalah dan tidak stabil untuk struktur kejuruteraan. Kekurangan tanah yang sesuai dan harga yang mahal menyebabkan tanah gambut merupakan pilihan alternatif bagi pembangunan pada masa hadapan. Sebelum kerja pembinaan dijalankan, penstabilan tanah gambut perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan ciri geoteknikal. Kertas ini membincangkan peranan simen dan tempoh perawatan ke atas sifat kejuruteraan tanah gambut terawat. Beberapa parameter kejuruteraan diuji terdiri daripada lakuan pemadatan, ketelapan dan kekuatan mampatan tidak terkurung (UCS). Ujian had Atterberg juga dijalankan bagi melihat pengaruh simen terhadap tanah gambut. Tanah gambut terawat simen telah disediakan dengan menambahkan simen Portland biasa (OPC) pada jumlah yang berbeza antara 0% dan 40% terhadap berat kering tanah gambut. Untuk menguji kesan perawatan, sampel terawat dikeringkan pada suhu bilik selama tiga dan tujuh hari manakala bagi UCS dilanjutkan kepada 28 hari sebelum pengujian. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa had cecair tanah yang terawat menurun dengan peningkatan kandungan simen. Ketumpatan kering maksimum (MDD) meningkat manakala kandungan lembapan optimum (OMC) menurun dengan peningkatan dalam kandungan simen. Kebolehtelapan tanah yang terawat menurun daripada 6.2 × 10-4 kepada 2.4 × 10-4 ms-1 dengan kandungan simen meningkat daripada 0% hingga 40%. Sebaliknya, ujian UCS menunjukkan peningkatan dalam kekuatan dengan peningkatan kandungan simen dan tempoh perawatan. Had cecair dan ketelapan juga berubah dengan peningkatan tempoh perawatan. Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahawa sifat geoteknikal tanah gambut distabilkan dengan penggunaan simen biasa dan pengubahsuaian tempoh perawatan.


Kata kunci: Kekuatan mampatan tidak terkurung; simen Portland; tanah gambut; tanah terawat


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