Sains Malaysiana 48(1)(2019): 1–6


Gastric Emptying and the Enzymatic Activity in the Stomach of Amphiprion ocellaris Fed on Artificial Diet

(Pengosongan Perut dan Aktiviti Enzim dalam Perut Amphiprion ocellaris yang Diberi Diet Buatan)




1Marine Ecosystem Research Centre (EKOMAR) Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


2School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


3Institute of Oceanography and Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu Darul Iman, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 15 September 2017/Diterima: 20 Ogos 2018



This study aims to elucidate the gastric emptying process of clownfish fed on artificial diet using two gastric evacuation models and to determine the pepsin activity in the digestion process in relation to feeding time. Regression analysis was used to evaluate the adequacy of 2 models; Anderson’s [St = So(1-So(α-1)ρ(1-α)t)1/(1-α) + ξ ] and Grove’s model [St = (Soα – αKt)1/α ], in describing the gastric emptying rate. Grove’s model provided a better fit with higher r2 value, with the calculated parameters of maximum meal size at time 0 (S0) = 0.195 g and gastric emptying rate (K) = 0.0165 g h-1. There was no initial delay phase as predicted and the evacuation followed a curve. Pepsin activity in the stomach showed rapid responses to food intake, where activity was detected at 1 h after feeding and reached its peak at 2 h after feeding. Pepsin activity decreased since then until the 12th h after feeding where it reached the lowest point. An increase of pepsin activity was detected later, where a small boost was detected at 24 h after feeding to digest the remaining food item in the stomach before the pepsin secretion decreased and maintained at pre-feeding level. Fast response of digestive enzyme in stomach implied that clownfish is equipped to utilize infrequent and irregular meals effectively.


Keywords: Amphiprion ocellaris; evacuation model; gastric digestion, pepsin activity



Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan proses pengosongan perut ikan badut yang diberi diet buatan dengan menggunakan dua model pengosongan gastrik dan untuk menentukan hubungan antara aktiviti enzim pepsin dalam proses pencernaan dengan masa selepas makan. Analisis regresi digunakan untuk menentukan ketepatan dua model; model Anderson [St = So(1-So(α-1)ρ(1-α)t)1/(1-α) + ξ] dan model Grove [St = (Soα – αKt)1/α], dalam penentuan kadar pengosongan perut selepas makan. Model Grove lebih sesuai kerana mempunyai nilai r yang lebih tinggi dengan parameter yang dikira merupakan saiz hidangan maksimum pada masa 0(S0) = 0.195 g dan kadar pengosongan perut (K) = 0.0165 g per jam. Tiada fasa lewat pada permulaan proses penghadaman seperti yang dianggarkan dan pengosongan perut adalah sejajar dengan lengkungan. Aktiviti enzim pepsin dalam perut menunjukkan tindak balas yang pantas terhadap pengambilan makanan dengan aktiviti pepsin dikesan seawal 1 jam selepas makan dan mencapai kemuncaknya pada masa 2 jam selepas makan. Aktiviti pepsin kemudiannya semakin menurun sehingga mencapai tahap terendahnya pada jam 12 selepas makan. Selepas itu, aktiviti pepsin meningkat semula dan terdapat rangsangan kecil dalam rembesan enzim yang dikesan pada 24 jam selepas makan. Aktiviti pepsin kemudiannya menurun semula kepada tahap sebelum makan. Tindak balas yang cepat terhadap pengambilan makanan menunjukkan ikan badut mampu menghadapi keadaan pembekalan makanan yang tidak menentu dengan berkesan.


Kata kunci: Aktiviti pepsin; Amphiprion ocellaris; model pengosongan; penghadaman gastrik


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