Sains Malaysiana 48(2)(2019): 473–485


Testing Personal Orientations - Organizational Climate Fit using Polynomial Regressions, Response Surface, and Bootstrapping

(Pengujian Orientasi Peribadi - Iklim Organisasi yang Bersesuaian Berdasarkan Regresi Polinomial, Permukaan Respons dan Butstrap)




1Research and Innovation Department, Teachers' Training Institute, Sultan Abdul Halim Campus, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia


2School of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


3School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 4 April 2018/Diterima: 2 November 2018



Personal orientations-organizational climate fit as a predictor of organizational commitment was examined using a sample of 350 Malaysian medical doctors from public and private hospitals in the northern states of Malaysia. The fit hypothesis was tested using polynomial regression and response surface methodology, followed by bootstrapping to estimate confidence intervals and for significance testing of response surface features. The results generally indicated that the personal orientations-organizational climate fit has a positive impact on the affective and normative organizational commitment of doctors. The need for achievement and the need for power were found to be significant dimensions that predicted the affective-normative commitment.


Keywords: Bootstrapping; organizational climate; personal-orientation fit; polynomial regression; response surface


Orientasi peribadi-iklim organisasi yang sesuai sebagai peramal bagi komitmen sesebuah organisasi dikaji berdasarkan sampel 350 doktor perubatan Malaysia daripada hospital awam dan swasta di negeri-negeri utara Malaysia. Hipotesis yang sesuai diuji dengan menggunakan regresi polinomial dan kaedah permukaan respons, diikuti dengan analisis butstrap untuk menganggarkan selang keyakinan dan untuk menguji kesignifikanan ciri permukaan respons. Keputusan secara amnya menunjukkan bahawa orientasi peribadi-kesesuaian iklim organisasi mempunyai kesan positif terhadap afektif dan normatif bagi komitmen organisasi oleh doktor. Keperluan untuk peningkatan dan keperluan untuk kuasa didapati merupakan dimensi penting yang meramalkan komitmen afektif-normatif.


Kata kunci: Butstrap; individu-orientasi suaian; iklim organisasi; regresi polinomial; permukaan respons


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