Sains Malaysiana 51(1)(2022): 187-198


Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fr.) Quel Crude Aqueous Extract Ameliorates Wistar-Kyoto Rat Thoracic Aortic Tissues and Vasodilation Responses

(Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fr.) Quel Ekstrak Akueus Mentah dalam Memperbaiki Tisu Toraks Aorta dan Respons Vasodilatasi Tikus Wistar-Kyoto)




Mushroom Research Centre, Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 15 Januari 2021/Diterima: 18 Mei 2021



Pleurotus pulmonarius crude aqueous (CA) extract was previously reported to have therapeutic potential, thus its ability to alleviate serum total cholesterol, vasodilation, and improve the aortic tissue structure in hypercholesterolemia rat model was studied. Eight groups of Wistar-Kyoto rats were involved including normal (G1), hypercholesterolemia (G2), treatment (G3 to G5) and prevention (G6 to G8). Two doses of CA; 0.5 g/kg body weight (BW), 2.0 g/kg BW, and simvastatin 10 mg/kg BW were orally fed to the rats (G3 to G8). Treatment groups were induced with hypercholesterolemia and later treated with CA/simvastatin, while prevention groups were given both hypercholesterolemia-diet and CA/simvastatin simultaneously. The thoracic aortic rings (TAR) were subjected to contractility study and histopathology examination. In organ bath analysis, pre-contracted TAR of G1 with phenylephrine (PE) achieved 60% vasodilation response towards acetylcholine (ACh) whereas TAR of G2 unable to respond to ACh. G3 to G5 groups failed to dilate when induced with ACh whereas G6 to G8 groups showed a slight improvement. The repeated precontracted TAR of G1 and G2 significantly dilated with the presence of CA and simvastatin. TAR of G1 achieved 100% vasodilation at 3.0 mg/mL CA and 2.4 mg/mL simvastatin. TAR of G2 achieved 73% vasodilation at 6.0 mg/mL CA whereas 76.8% dilation recorded for simvastatin at 4.8 mg/mL. Histopathological examination found that CA was able to improve the structure of the aortic cells. These observations suggest that CA helps to improve tissue condition and vasodilation of the hypercholesterolemic aorta.


Keywords: Aortic ring; crude aqueous; dilation; histopathology; hypercholesterolemia



Ekstrak akueus mentah Pleurotus pulmonarius (CA) pernah dilaporkan sebelum ini mempunyai potensi terapi, oleh itu keupayaannya untuk mengurangkan kolesterol total serum, vasodilasi dan memperbaiki struktur tisu aorta pada model tikus hiperkolesterolemia telah dikaji. Lapan kumpulan tikus Wistar-Kyoto yang terlibat termasuklah normal (G1), hiperkolesterolemia (G2), rawatan (G3 hingga G5) dan pencegahan (G6 hingga G8). Dua dos CA; 0.5 g/kg berat badan (BW), 2.0 g/kg BW dan simvastatin 10 mg/kg BW telah diberi makan secara oral kepada tikus (G3 hingga G8). Kumpulan rawatan telah diaruh dengan hiperkolesterolemia dan kemudian dirawat dengan CA/simvastatin, manakala kumpulan pencegahan telah diberi diet-hiperkolesterolemia dan CA/simvastatin secara serentak. Cincin aorta toraks (TAR) telah digunakan untuk kajian kontraktiliti dan pemeriksaan histopatologi. Dalam analisis mandi organ, pra-kontrak TAR G1 dengan fenilefrina (PE) telah mencapai 60% tindak balas vasodilasi terhadap asetilkolina (ACh), sementara TAR G2 tidak memberikan sebarang tindak balas terhadap ACh. Kumpulan G3 hingga G5 gagal untuk dilat apabila diaruh dengan ACh manakala kumpulan G6 hingga G8 menunjukkan sedikit peningkatan. Ulangan pra-kontrak TAR G1 dan G2 dilat secara signifikan dengan kehadiran CA dan simvastatin. TAR G1 telah mencapai 100% vasodilatasi pada 3.0 mg/mL CA dan 2.4 mg/mL simvastatin. TAR G2 telah mencapai 73% vasodilatasi pada 6.0 mg/mL CA sedangkan 76.8% dilat dicatatkan untuk simvastatin pada 4.8 mg/mL. Pemeriksaan histopatologi mendapati CA dapat memperbaiki struktur sel aorta. Pemerhatian ini mencadangkan CA membantu untuk memperbaiki keadaan tisu dan vasodilatasi aorta hiperkolesterolemia.


Kata kunci: Akueus mentah; cincin aorta; dilat; hiperkolesterolemia; histopatologi



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