The Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 10 No 2 (2006): 269 – 274





Kamaruzzaman Yunus*, Jamil Tajam, Hasrizal Saari, Willison Kung Yee See

& Ong Meng Chuan


Institut Oseanografi, Kolej Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia, Mengabang Telipot,

21030, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu.


*Correspondence author:



The concentration levels of Pb, Zn and Co in the surface sediment of Terengganu River estuary indicates  some input of anthropogenic metal was occurred.  From the Li normalization method, the source of most metals in the study area were from the natural sources, although, some stations were relatively higher when compared to the average crust value.  This finding was proven by using the enrichment factor (EF) method.  In this study, Zn and Co have EF values close to unity and may therefore be considered to be predominantly terrigenous in origin.  However, Pb showed higher EF values and indicated that they could be some influenced of anthropogenic input.


Keywords: Normalization, enrichment factor, sediment and estuary.



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