2012/04/18 – Visit of the Secretary General, MOSTI

18 April 2012. Secretary General of MOSTI, Dato’ Madinah Mohamad and the delegation from the EPU, ICU & MGI has visited Malaysian Cohort Project, PPUKM.

Secretary General has heard the explanation from the Project Leader Prof. Datuk Dr A Rahman A Jamal and had visited the facility projects, including BIOBANK.

Ketua Setiausaha MOSTI, Dato’ Madinah Mohamad dan deligasi dari EPU,ICU & MGI telah melawat Projek Kohort Malaysia di PPUKM. KSU telah mendengar penerangan berkenaan TMC dari Ketua Projek Prof. Datuk Dr A Rahman A Jamal dan telah melawat fasiliti projek termasuk BIOBANK.
