ICLES 2018
Dear Prof./Assoc. Prof/Dr./Sir/Madam,
13-16 NOVEMBER 2018
Dear Colleagues,
You are invited to participate in the 1st International Conference on Law, Environment and Society – NATURE AND THE LAW that will be held in the Faculty of Law, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia on 13-16 November 2018.
This conference offers a unique opportunity to researchers, academicians and students to present and share their research work through an online platform. This would further provide a venue to establish networks and linkages for future research collaboration with other participants at an international level. The 1st ICLES 2018 also serves as a catalyst to stimulate and innovate new ideas and solutions to environmental challenges for a greener future.
All authors will publish their full text conference papers in European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS) e-ISSN: 2421-826X indexed in ISI Thomson Reuters. Selected papers may be published in the peer reviewed EJSBS, Jurnal Undang-undang dan Masyarakat (Journal of Law and Society) ISSN 1394 – 7729 or the Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law ISSN 0126-6322.
The 1st ICLES 2018 full text papers will appear online within 2 months after the Conference. Abstracts of all papers will be published in the Conference Book Abstract.
The following modes of presentation will be used for the 1st ICLES 2018:
1. Virtual Poster Presentation and Power Point Presentation
The format for the virtual poster and power point presentation concept are provided in the rules of the Conference website. The official language of the Conference is English. This concept involves and electronic submission of these documents in a standard format. After the documents in the form of power point presentation are accepted, participants can access them via the conference website. For Virtual Poster Presentation, participants need not attend the Conference in person as your poster will be printed out and exhibited on your behalf in the local partner Institution’s Conference venue.
2. Poster Presentation
For Poster Conference, participants must attend the Conference in person and your poster will be printed out and exhibited on your behalf in the local partner Institution’s Conference venue.
All posters will be printed and presented in a hosting institution’s exhibition foyer from 14-16 November 2018. The exhibition will be open to all interested academicians, students, researchers and the public. Certificates of attendance and participation will be made available on the last day of the Conference.
Note: If you are planning to attend the Conference in person, please ensure that you choose Poster Presentation Abstract Submission instead of the Virtual Presentation Abstract Submission.
Tentative Program
13 November 2018
9.00 – 11.00 Official opening ceremony of 1st ICLES 2018
14 November 2018
10.00- 11.00 Key note speech
11.30 -1700 Person Participation Poster Exhibition
15 November 2018
9.00 – 16.00 Continuation of in Person Participation Poster Exhibition.
16 November 2018
9.00 – 13.00
Continuation of in Person Participation Poster Exhibition.
Closing of Conference
*Future Academy and the local partner institution will not be providing any meals or conference materials.
Please follow template and guidelines when preparing your paper at:
Important Dates
Registration: Until 01 November 2018
Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 August 2018
Accepted Abstracts Announcement: Max in 10 days after the Submission
Full Text Submission: 20 September 2018
Poster Submission: 20 September 2018
Receiving Online Certificate: Last day of the Conference
Conference Language
The language of the Peer reviewed Full Text Publication is English.
Main theme
Environmental Law
Access to information and justice
Air quality management
Biodiversity and Nature management
Climate change and sustainability
Community engagement
Eco tourism sustainability
Ecological restoration
Economic development, globalization and environment
E-green Innovation and Sustainable Technologies
Emissions trading
Environmental and public participation
Environmental crimes
Environmental disaster management
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental incentives and taxes
Environmental law and entrepreneurship and business
Environmental Law and Ethics
Environmental law research methods and teaching related issues
Environmental limits to Economic development
Environmental Policies, Public Administration and Local Government
Flora and fauna protection
Food security and natural resource sustainability
Forests and deforestation
Global Governance
Hazardous Waste Management
Human Rights and Environment
International environmental principles
Judicial and administrative remedies
Marine and habitat protection
Nature conservation
National and international peace and security
Raw materials and waste management
Regional environmental Issues
Role of public authorities, NGO’s and private sectors
Rural development, agriculture and plantation
Transboundary pollution and sovereignty of State
Water pollution and management
Sustainable Development and Growth
and related issues.
We welcome your interest in the 1st ICLES 2018 and looking forward to receiving your abstract soon.
Thank you.
Hanim Kamaruddin (PhD)
ICLES 2018