Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker

Steve Durst
Director, International Lunar Observatory Association (ILOA), Hawai’i

Steve Durst is Director of the International Lunar Observatory Association, based in Hawai'i, USA, and its ILOA Galaxy Forum program: To advance 21st Century Education and see Humans on the Moon within the decade - the first giant step toward the Galaxy / Stars. He also is Editor and Publisher at Space Age Publishing Company, since 1976, and operates its Hawaii and California offices. Space Age publishes Space Calendar and Lunar Enterprise Daily, and supports pioneering enterprises such as the ILOA, Stanford on the Moon, and Ad Astra Kansas initiatives, and pursues a business plan consistent with establishing a third office on the Moon. He received a BA (1965) in European History and an MA (1966) in American History from Stanford University in California, and is self-taught in Asia / China history and culture.

ILOA 5 Moon Missions and Astronomy from the Moon


International Lunar Observatory Association (ILOA Hawai'i) is advancing Astronomy and communications from the Moon in many ways. ILOA, founded in 2007, has 5 Moon missions: ILO-1 flagship mission to the Moon South Pole, and its back-up ILO-2, developing in collaboration with Canadensys Aerospace Corporation and Intuitive Machines. Precursor mission ILO-X is in preparation for NET January 2022 flight to conduct Galaxy First Light Imaging, as Canadensys is completing final testing of the instruments for lunar surface operation. ILOA is also collaborating with National Astronomical Observatories of China to co-sponsor a dedicated researcher to analyze Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope (LUT) data from Chang’e-3 and publish scientific results. Finally, ILOA hopes to contribute to the NASA Artemis program which may be the first to land women at the Moon South Pole - for observation, science and settlement – in Peace for All. 2020s Astronomy from the Moon expands as NASA is hosting / supporting astrophysics and observation payloads aboard SLS flights and CLPS landers; and China pioneers with Netherlands-China Low Frequency Explorer aboard Chang’e-4 – almost a half-century after USA Apollo 16 Commander John Young obtained astronomical images with a Far-UV spectrograph camera. The ILOA Galaxy Forum program has hosted more than 100 events in 16 countries, and plans at least 7 ‘hybrid’ in-person / virtual events this year.

Professor Barry Evans
Institute for Communication Systems/5-6GiC, University of Surrey, United Kingdom

Professor Evans has BSc and PhD degrees from the University of Leeds, is a Fellow of the UK Royal Academy of Engineering and of the IET. From 1968 to 83 he was a British Telecom academic at the University of Essex. Appointed to a chair at the University of Surrey in 1983, he was founder Director of the Centre for Communication Systems Research (now ICS) and a founder Director of the Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Following spells as Dean of Engineering and Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research, he now heads satellite communications research in ICS and 5G/6G Innovation Centre. He is the Editor of the International Journal of Satellite communications and Networking.

Satellites in a 5G to 6G communications ecosystem



Satellite communications has largely been based around large GEO satellites with satellite operators offering bandwidth for broadcast, broadband and mobile service providers. Narrow band LEO’s for global mobile and HEO’s for broadcast have also provided niche services with recently a MEO for equatorial region broadband delivery. We are now entering a new phase with very large constellations of LEO’s to provide broadband low latency services.

At the same time as these satellite developments we have seen 5G standards rolled out terrestrially but not yet via satellite. The 5G SDN and virtualised environment offers new opportunities for satellites to be integrated with terrestrial networks. We will present early demonstrations of 5G integrated satellite backhaul and discuss the pathway towards a 5G direct to the satellite terminal. Finally we will look forward to 6G and what this means for satellite systems and outline some of the technologies and challenges ahead for satellite systems.

Professor Dr. Tharek Abd Rahman
Academy Science Malaysia

Professor Dr Tharek holds a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom; a Master's Degree in Communication Engineering from UMIST, Manchester, United Kingdom; and a PhD in Mobile Communication from the University of Bristol, United Kingdom.

He has conducted researches related to mobile communications, antenna, and propagation. He also conducted various short courses on mobile and satellite communication for the telecommunications industry and government agencies. Prof. Dr. Tharek has published over 500 scientific papers and journals whereby his ideas won national and international recognition. He is an active member of several research academic entities and has been appointed as Fellow of Academy Science Malaysia.

Prof Dr. Tharek plays a key role in developing 5G Malaysia initiatives. He connects the academia and the industry, forming effective collaborations and partnerships. This includes the engagements with Japan's 5G Mobile Communications Promotion Forum (5G MF) and Korea's 5G Forum, which promotes knowledge transfer and the collaboration in 5G research and development

5G Evolution and Beyond



Over the past few decades, there has been significant progress made to mobile communication networks. The 4G LTE Advanced providing mobile broadband offers huge potential to service providers, application developers and wireless consumers. Beyond 4G, which also known as 5G, enable the vision of unlimited access to information and shared data available anywhere to anyone and anything. The features of 5G include enhanced mobile broadband, ultra reliable low latency and massive machine type communication (Internet of Things). Therefore, 5G mobile communication will include both evolution and revolution. 6G is expected to arrive at some time around 2030.The talk will cover the future services, key requirements and enabling technologies of the 5G that is expected to revolutionize the way we experience mobile services. The talk will also cover the future services, key requirements and enabling technologies of the 5G and beyond that is expected to revolutionize the way we experience mobile services which will also include the standardization, spectrum requirement and new use cases


Professor Akimasa Yoshikawa
International Center for Space Weather Science and Education,
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University

Dr Yoshikawa is currently Full Professor at Kyushu University specializing in space science. In particular, he is an expert on magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. He is Principal Investigator of MAGDAS project and International Project on Global Cowling channel coupling to the magnetosphere. He received Tanakadate Award of the Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences in 2015. His recent paper was selected as research highlight of JGR-Space physics and selected as research spotlight as the best accepted articles for the broad Earth and space science community in USA.

Integrated study of magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere system to explore the coupling process in the space-earth transition region



The transition region between the Earth's atmosphere and space plasma, which extends from the atmosphere to the ionosphere and magnetosphere, is a system in which the dynamics of the Earth's atmosphere powered by sunlight, and space plasma driven by the solar wind, strongly influence each other through mechanical collisions. Furthermore, in this transition region, electrodynamics driven by plasma motion, is activated in the vertical coupling between the magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere and the global coupling from the polar to equatorial regions. Therefore, the establishment of "the science of the transition region between the Earth's atmosphere and space plasma" is an essential evolution for understanding the past, present, and future of the general circulation system of the Earth's atmosphere and space plasma and the Earth system connected to the universe. To investigate the coupling process in the space-terrestrial transition region, we organized observational study and developed several types of magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere coupling scheme and simulators. In this presentation, we will introduce our strategy of integration of modeling and global observation to approaching "space-terrestrial transition region" from viewpoint of inter-spheres coupling physics.

Mr. Azlikamil Napiah
Director General
Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA)

He started his professional career in the private sector as a Senior Geologist in 1993. He joined the government sector as Research Officer at Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency (MRSA) in August 1994. During his career as Research Officer, he gained formal knowledge through certified training in Remote Sensing in Australia, United Kingdom and The Netherlands. At MRSA, he confers his knowledge and experience in spatial data analysis and modelling activities including satellite image processing to help Malaysia exploiting the advancement of remote sensing technologies for nation development, security, and people wellbeing. After 10 years of invaluable contribution in Research and Development (R&D) at local and international level, he was then appointed to lead the corporate and strategic section in MRSA for 4 years. His serious dedication and commitment to remote sensing technology management and development in Malaysia were realised when he was promoted as Deputy Director General (Technical Service) MRSA, in the year 2011. Since May 2015, he was appointed as Director General of MRSA with the task of spearheading the development and operationalisation of remote sensing and related technologies in Malaysia. With the merger of the Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency (MRSA) and the National Space Agency (ANGKASA) in 2019, he has been appointed as the Director General of the Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA).



Malaysia has established the National Space Policy 2030 in 2017 to strengthen the implementation of the agenda of developing, expanding, and popularizing all areas of space technology including remote sensing technology to ensure the continuity of prosperity and progress of the country. The policy objectives are; to state the country’s stand and objectives on mastering the space sector; to coordinate the country’s space activities in an organised manner; to recognise the need for access to space capability; and to determine the direction of development of the space sector in Malaysia. Space exploration has produced space technology and applications which cover various aspects of people’s lives. Space technology is widely used and utilized by society in all aspects of life including communication networks, broadcasting, internet, mapping, navigation for transportation and weather forecasting. In line with strategic thrusts of the National Space Policy, Malaysia has developed a Malaysia Space Exploration 2030 Blueprint (Malaysia Space-X 2030) to create a comprehensive national space ecosystem. In line with the aspiration for the country to become a scientific nation for socio-economic transformation and inclusive growth, activities in space technology especially in relation to research, development, commercialisation and innovation continue to be carried out and will enable it to contribute to the economy and wellbeing of the country.

Keywords: National Space Policy 2030, space technology, communication


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