The Faculty of Economics and Management at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia is thrilled to announce the forthcoming 2024 International Management and Accounting Conference (IMAC 2024), scheduled to be held in person on the 27-28th of July 2024. This conference is dedicated to fostering an environment for networking, idea exchange, knowledge sharing, and the exploration of developmental opportunities among researchers and practitioners worldwide, spanning diverse business disciplines.

Transforming Business for a Responsive and Responsible Future

IMAC Committee eagerly invites participants to submit original, unpublished academic papers in the form of extended abstracts for potential presentation at the conference. We enthusiastically welcome papers from a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives. Submissions will be organized into the following streams and sub-streams:

  1. Sustainable Business Practices:
    • Implementing and measuring sustainable business models.
    • Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations in business.
    • Circular economy strategies and their impact on business transformation.
  2. Technological Innovations and Disruptions:
    • Digital transformation in business operations.
    • AI, machine learning, and their implications for business responsiveness.
    • Blockchain and its role in responsible business practices.
  3. Ethical Leadership and Corporate Governance:
    • Ethics in decision-making and responsible leadership.
    • Corporate governance and its influence on responsible business practices.
    • Transparency and accountability in corporate structures.
  4. Social Impact and Community Engagement:
    • Social entrepreneurship and its role in a responsive business environment.
    • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and community engagement.
    • Addressing societal challenges through business initiatives.
  5. Global Economic Challenges and Opportunities:
    • Resilience strategies in the face of global economic uncertainty.
    • International trade and its implications for responsible business.
    • Emerging markets and their impact on the future of business.
  6. Innovative Financial and Accounting Practices:
    • Fostering responsible financial strategies.
    • Integrated reporting and its influence on accountability.
    • The role of accounting in promoting responsible business practices.
  7. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Business:
    • Building inclusive and diverse workplaces.
    • The business case for diversity and equity.
    • Overcoming challenges and fostering inclusivity in the business environment.