This program aims to produce high-quality individuals in the field of strategic communication. The focus of this program is on developing individuals’ abilities as designers, implementers, and evaluators of communication impacts in line with the development of media and communication technology. Participants of the program will be provided with the latest knowledge and skills to face diverse communication situations. They will become individuals who are creative, critical, and innovative in integrating strategic communication elements and communication technology. They will also strive to connect the knowledge they have acquired with real-world contexts in a holistic manner and make recommendations to the government, private sector, and society. As a result, program graduates will have a high level of competitiveness in the communication industry
March & September
Compulsory Course
SKKP6004 Communication Research Methodology
SKKS6103 Theory of Media Technology & Communication
SKKC6113 Communication Ethics
SKKP6123 Crisis Communication
SKKS6174 Industrial Strategic Benchmarking
SKKS6284 Strategic Communication Management
SKKS6154 Communication Impact Seminar
Core Elective Courses
SKKS6143 Integrated Marketing Communication
SKKS6163 Strategic Alliance and Media
SKKS6233 Strategy of Media Integration
Research/Industry Project
SKKS619C Research/Industry Project
(Only for international students)
Admission is through the JOIN UKM system
Centre for Research in Media & Communication (MENTION), Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600, Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA