UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute

 Leading Institute in Molecular Medicine

UWC Services

1. The Importance Of Health Screening

Early detection can make a difference between relatively simple courses of treatment or life-threatening complications.

Health Screenings are examinations and tests to look for a disease before patients develop any symptoms. It is important because from a medical perspective prevention is better than cure. Health screenings save life by early detection of conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, or obesity and can help prevent serious diseases.

Many cases of disease exist and remain undiagnosed which seriously affects our quality of life. Many of these conditions can be corrected or improved through a simple course of treatment if once it has been discovered by health screening.


2. First Time With Us? – This Is The Guide

 Preparation before coming

  1. Customers must fast for at least 8 hours before the blood can be drawn. Ideally, the last meal should be taken before 10-11 pm prior to the next morning appointment. However, customers are allowed to drink plain water during the 8 hours of fasting.
  2. Please wear loose and comfortable cloth so that it will be easier to perform some of the tests and measurements
  3. Try to minimize or not wearing any jewelry or other accessories.
  4. Women are advised to come 5 days post-menstrual in order to avoid the presence of blood in the urine sample
  5. Do not forget to bring the identification card when coming for the appointment


Persediaan Sebelum Datang

  1. Anda perlu berpuasa sekurang-kurangnya 8 jam sebelum darah anda diambil. Paling ideal, hidangan akhir adalah pada jam 10-11 malam sebelum hari temujanji. Namun begitu, air kosong dibenarkan minum sepanjang berpuasa.
  2. Mohon memakai pakaian yang selesa dan longgar kerana anda perlu membuka sedikit bahagian badan semasa sesetengah ujian dijalankan.
  3. Minimakan atau tidak memakai sebarang aksesori badan seperti rantai, cincin, gelang dan lain-lain aksesori.
  4. Untuk wanita, anda dinasihatkan untuk datang selepas 5 hari dari tarikh haid anda berakhir untuk mengelakkan kesan darah di dalam air kencing.
  5. Sila bawa kad pengenalan bersama-sama dengan anda semasa datang.


Registration (Pendaftaran)

Our receptionists are friendly and committed to helping the customers. For registration, customers need to show their identification cards and fill in the registration and consensus forms.

Should customers be interested to learn more about the health screening packages and additional tests, feel free to approach and ask our receptionists. However, first-time customers have to undergo the standard health screening package first.


Petugas kaunter kami amat mesra pelanggan dan sedia membantu. Kami memerlukan kad pengenalan anda untuk tujuan pendaftaran dan anda diminta untuk mengisi sedikit maklumat di dalam borang serta menandatangani borang kebenaran.

Pelanggan juga boleh bertanya berkenaan pakej dan pemilihan ujian tambahan. Perlu diingatkan, pelanggan yang pertama kali datang wajib untuk menjalani Pakej Standard terlebih dahulu.

Figure 1: Registration


Urine (Urin)

Customers will be first asked to give their urine sample for a kidney function test before starting. However, under circumstances where the customers can’t provide the urine samples at the beginning, they can give the samples after all the tests are complete.

Sebelum mula, pelanggan diminta untuk menyerahkan sampel urin untuk ujian Fungsi Buah pinggang. Sampel urin juga boleh diserahkan sebelum pulang jika anda merasakan agak sukar untuk memberikan sampel urin di peringkat awal.

Figure 2: Urine


Blood draw (Pengambilan darah)

We have highly experienced and competent phlebotomists to draw blood. In total, we will draw three tubes of blood (3mL per tube). We will always ensure that the used consumables and tools are sterile, safe, and of high quality.

The drawn blood is for the following tests:

  • Full blood count
  • Kidney function
  • Cholesterol level
  • Fasting blood glucose level


Phlebotomist berpengalaman kami akan mengambil 3 tube sample darah (3mL setiap tiub). Kami akan memastikan hanya peralatan yang berkualiti, steril (pakai buang) dan selamat sahaja yang digunakan.

Sampel darah ini adalah untuk ujian:

  • Kiraan Darah Penuh
  • Fungsi Buah Pinggang
  • Aras Kolesterol
  • Aras Gula Dalam Darah (Berpuasa)

Figure 3: Blood draw


• Inbody

Customers’ weight and height are measured at the Inbody station, followed by body composition measurement to determine the water, fats, minerals, and proteins contents. This body composition measurement will inform the customers about their obesity level, muscle balance, and strength as well as the ideal body weight management. The Inbody results will be directly available after the measurements are taken.

We would like to remind you that jewelry and other accessories such as a watch, belt, and wallet must be removed before taking the Inbody measurements. Also for safety and results accuracy, customers, who are pregnant, wearing the heart pacemaker, or performing heavy activities (2 hours before) are not allowed to undergo this Inbody measurement.


Di stesen ini, kami akan mengukur berat dan tinggi anda.

Seterusnya pelanggan akan menjalani ujian komposisi badan untuk mengetahui kandungan air, lemak, mineral dan protein dalam badan. Melalui ujian ini juga pelanggan akan mengetahui tahap obesiti, kesimbangan dan kekuatan otot badan serta pengurusan berat badan idealKeputusan ujian ini akan diperolehi serta-merta.

Perlu diingatkan, pelanggan diminta untuk menanggalkan semua aksesori badan seperti tali pinggang, gelang, cincin, rantai dan lain-lain.

Untuk tujuan keselamatan dan keputusan ujian yang tepat , pelanggan yang memakai perentak jantung, hamil dan menjalani aktiviti berat 2 jam sebelum itu tidak dibenarkan menjalani ujian ini.

Figure 4: Inbody Test


Examination room 1 (Bilik Pemeriksaan 1)

Blood pressure (stand, sit, and lie down) and arterial stiffness (VASERA) tests are conducted in the examination room 1.

 Di stesen ini anda akan menjalani Ujian Tekanan Darah (berdiri, duduk, baring) dan Ujian Kekenyalan Arteri (VASERA).

Figure 5: Arterial Stiffness Test


Examination room 2 (Bilik Pemeriksaan 2)

Heart (ECG) and lungs (Spirometry) function tests along with the waist-to-hip ratio measurement (Anthropometry) are conducted in the examination room 2.

Dan di stesen ini anda akan menjalani Ujian Fungsi Jantung (ECG), Ujian Fungsi Paru-paru (Spirometry) dan Ujian Antropometry (ukuran lilit pinggang-pinggul).

Figure 6: Electrocardiogram(ECG) Test

Figure 7: Spirometry Test

Figure 8: Waist-to-Hip Ratio Measurement


Payment (Bayaran)

We accept any mode of payment that include cash, debit card, and a credit card from the major banks. We will issue an official UKM receipt after the payment is made.

Kami menerima semua bentuk bayaran sama ada secara Tunai, Kad Debit atau Kad Kredit bank-bank utama. Anda akan menerima resit rasmi UKM selepas membuat bayaran.


Morning refreshment (Minum Pagi)

We provide sandwiches for the customers to have their breakfast after fasting for over 8 hours. Also, at our health screening facility, we provide complimentary snacks and drinks such as coffee, tea, and water for the customers.

Bersama dengan bag cenderamata kami sediakan sandwich untuk anda minum pagi setelah berpuasa lebih dari 8 jam. Di fasiliti kami juga disediakan sudut untuk membancuh minuman pilihan dan makanan ringan untuk dinikmati bersama-sama sandwich yang lazat.


Screening results (Keputusan)

Apart from the inbody results, complete screening results will be emailed to the customers within 7 working days. UWC will also mail the results to the customers’ registered addresses within 14 working days.

The screening results will be sent along with appropriate references that will assist the customers in better understanding the results. However, if the customers need further explanations or have any questions regarding the results, feel free to contact us at the toll-free number 1-800-88-2007.


Selain keputusan Inbody, keputusan penuh akan kami email dalam 7 hari bekerja dan kami juga akan pos ke rumah dalam tempoh 14 hari bekerja.

Keputusan yang kami berikan disertakan sekali dengan lampiran rujukan yang mudah difahami. Namun begitu, anda boleh menghubungi 1-800-88-2007 untuk penerangan keputusan yang lebih terperinci.


Customer feedback (Maklumbalas)

Customers are highly welcome to give feedback on our health screening services and customers satisfaction via the link below (this link will also be included in the screening results email)

Anda dialu-alukan untuk memberikan maklumbalas melalui link yang disertakan bersama-sama email keputusan atau klik di sini (letak link Google Form Maklumbalas)


3. Our Package


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