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Hossein on Python and Big Data

Some interesting notes:

  1. Youtube, Twitter, Yahoo!, Disney, IBM, NASA, Instagram, Google.. big guys using python.
  2. They called Python the sweet baby..
  3. Guido Van Rossum created Python in the 90s… was working with Google and now with Dropbox.
  4. Watch TED .. a talk by Thomas Suarez  problem now: lack of programmer.. Singapore – 6 months ago, they look for programmer but they cannot get enough so they went to Vietnam. Why Malaysia do not produce enough programmer? Solution: Start teaching kids to program as early as 8.
  5. IBM: Python code is often 3-5 times shorter than Java, 5-10 times shorter than C++.
  6. Free license; free learning resources; great communities; free repository (PyPi).
  7. Agility…?
  8. We need python for students.
  9. Python have 50,000 libraries…
  10.  7 billion people, only 2-3 million python programmer.
  11. Raspberry pi… ? a credit card size computer.
  12.  Remember matlotlib.. numpy
  13. IBM: 80% of the data .. was created in the last 2 years.