Marine Ecosystem Research Centre (EKOMAR)

 Facilitating Discovery of the Tropical Marine Environment

EKOMAR & SEAFDEC II Research Cruise 2016

The overall objective of this cruise was to sample demersal fish in order to better document their distribution range as well as improve our understanding of their behavior and habitat use in these areas. In addition, other biological and oceanographic data were collected to better characterize their environment. Other objectives included photo-identification and oceanographic study in this area.

The cruise began on 10 May 2016 in Kuantan, Pahang and ended on 6 July 2016 also in Kuantan, Pahang.

It is a valuable resource for scientists, programme managers and data managers providing information on who has collected what, where and when, in addition to details of measurements taken and samples collected.

Apart from the demersal fish sampling, EKOMAR team also conducted several ecological sampling (benthos & water quality). The results are intended to help guide additional science to better understand possible climate impacts on fish species or stocks and assist fisheries decision makers in considering how to prepare for and respond to climate-related changes.

In addition EKOMAR also embarking in contributing to a more accurate assessment of the Sunda shelf marine biodiversity with comprehensive databases, specimen collections and specialised documentation.  Further to provide a checklist of deep-sea benthos found in the Sunda Shelf of Malaysian EEZ.

EKOMAR team with research cruise members

EKOMAR team are grateful to the officers and crew of the MV SEAFDEC II for their support, and their expertise was essential to the success of this cruise. The accomplishments of the cruise would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of the Department of Fisheries Malaysia research team participants. Cruise logistics were assisted by En. Faizal (DoF). Special thanks to Dr. Alias Man, DoF HQ for extending the invitation to EKOMAR UKM.