2024 9(2)


Examining the Role of Artificial Intelligence (GPT-3.5) in Issuing Fatwas for Islamic Family Cases: A Comparative Analysis

Manswab Mahsen Abdulrahman, manswab.mahsen.sheriff@gmail.com
Department of Shariah, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language, Islamic University in Uganda
Abdul Hafiz Musa Walusimbi
Department of Shariah, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language, Islamic University in Uganda
Received: October 09, 2024 | Revised: October 29, 2024 | Accepted: December 05, 2024 | Published: December 25, 2024

2024, Vol. 9(2), pp. 25-38.  |  PDF

The aim of this study is to explore the effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence, specifically GPT-3, in the process of issuing fatwas within the context of Islamic family law. It examines GPT-3’s ability to deliver accurate fatwas consistent with Muslim family law, as well as its potential to offer quicker responses compared to traditional methods, thereby making fatwas more accessible to a global audience. The research problem arises from the growing impact of AI across various fields, particularly in issuing fatwas related to Muslim family law. This technology raises critical questions about the authority, accuracy, ethical implications, and reliability of AI-generated fatwas, especially in sensitive areas such as Islamic family law. This research employs qualitative methods, information gathered from various sources such as fatwa books, journal articles, reports, conference papers, and jurisprudence academies. The paper highlights the importance of fatwa issuance, the evolution of technology’s role in religious practices, the capabilities of GPT-3, and provides an overview of the historical context of fatwa issuance, traditional methodologies, the role of technology in Islamic contexts, existing research on technology’s impact on Islamic jurisprudence, and an analysis of GPT-3’s applications in Islamic inheritance. It also elaborates on the research methodology and details how information and analyses were conducted for cases in Muslim family law, including marriage, divorce, and inheritance. Additionally, it addresses the consistencies and inconsistencies in fatwas issued by GPT-3 on matters of Muslim family law. The study finds that GPT-3.5 is user-friendly and efficient in issuing fatwas related to family cases, thereby making religious rulings more accessible. However, it also reveals that GPT-3.5 has issued incorrect fatwas in family law cases, particularly in matters involving marriage, divorce, and inheritance. Consequently, the research recommends relying on fatwas from certified and reliable sources. 

Islamic Fatwas, Cases of Muslim Family Law, Artificial Intelligence (GPT-3.5)  

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