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Permodelan Ombak-Angin Menggunakan Spektra Jonswap (Modeling of Wind-Waves Using Jonswap Spectra)
Othman A. KarimAbstractWave forecasts and hindcasts are almost universally derived from wind field. Numerous wind-wave models have been developed in recent years. 7his paper reports the analysis of wind-wave model incorporating the formulation based on ‘JONSWAP’ relationships for wave spectra, resulting from a given wind speed and wave fetch. The theories that apply to wind-wave model are described along with the statistical analysis between the hindcasted values and the measured data available. From the analysis, it appeared that JONSWAP model produces a good degree of correlation, ranging from 80 to 90 percent. However, further validification tests have to be conducted on the model before overall verification of the applicability of the model is complete. |
Page 3-12
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Analisis Persimpangan Berlampu Isyarat Menggunakan Highway Capacity Manual 1985 (Signalised Intersection Analysis Using Highway Capacity Manual 1985)
Ismail Abd. RahmanAbstractThis paper describes the control system’s performance of a signalised intersection in Kajang town. Analysis which was carried out according to the method outlined in the Highway Capacity Manual 1985 (Hcm85) shows that a linear relationship between percentage of heavy vehicles in trafficflow to the approach’s capacity exist in various control conditions. Besides that, this study also gives a relationship between delay experienced by any individual drivers to volume divided by capacity ratio (vle). |
Page 13-26
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The Effect of Isotropic Roughness on the Thermohydrodynamic Solution of Finite Journal Bearings
Che Hassan Che Haron & Nik Abdullah Nik ShalehAbstractThermohydrodynamic (THD) analysis of finite journal bearings with isotropic roughness is presented. A modified version of the Reynolds equation which includes surface roughness effects is solved using the Successive-overRelaxation method (SOR). 7he Swift-Stieber cavitation boundary condition was implemented in solving the Reynolds equation. The effects of various operating parameters as well as roughness parameters on the thermohydrodynamic of finite journal bearing are investigated and the results are compared with the smooth surface solutions. Along with the bearings geometries, the roughness characteristics, such as the variance ratio, should be included as design parameters in order to accurately predict the performance of hydrodynamic bearings. |
Page 27-40
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Isolated Digit Recognition in Malaysian Language
Zainul Abidin Md Sharif, Masuri Othman & Tan Shao TheongAbstractThis paper describes the use of a personal computer to store samples of uttered isolated digit signals and thereupon to recognize the appropriate digit uttered using time domain analysis and template matching. 7he fundamental of linear prediction analysis is briefly introduced and a general description on the hardware and software used in this project is then given. This project is undertaken as an initial step to implement an automatic translation system of daily used keywords terminology in Malaysian to English. |

Page 41-46
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Switching Characteristics of SRO-MISS Devices
Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis & M. J. MorantAbstractThe switching characteristics of the Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor-Switch (MISS) device with Silicon-Rich-Oxide (SRO) as the semi-insulating material have been studied at room temperature. The SRO films were deposited by atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition (APCvD) at 650°C with SiH4 and N20 reactant gases and N2 carrier. The reactant gas phase ratio, R, varies from 0.09 to 0.25 and the deposition time from 0.6 to 2 minutes. |
Page 47-56
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Kawalan Mikrokomputer ke atas Motor Pelangkah dan Simulasinya (Microcomputer Control on the Stepper Motor and Simulation)
Mahamod Ismail, Mohd Alauddin Mohd Ali & Kam Teik BoonAbstractSMOC system (Stepper Motor Controller) has been designed to control a stepper motor using a microcomputer. 7he system consists of Automatic Control Mode, Position Control Mode, Keyboard Control Mode, Timer Control Mode and other facilities like DOS System, Help Menu and Data Files. 7his package is menu oriented and developed using Turbo basic languagefor IBM PCIA Tcomputer. IBM PCIA T’S parallel printer port has been used to interface with the motor’s power driver circuit which is specially designedfor this project. Controlled data such as the motor’s speed, the direction of rotation, the current step number, the total steps number, the status of the motor as well as the speed indicator and the motor stepping simulation will be displayed on the screen. |
Page 57-69 |
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Compiler-Compiler for an Eight Bit Microprocessor
Kasmiran Bin Jumari & K.R. DimondAbstractThis paper shows the technique that can be used to design a compiler-compiler for an eight bit microprocessor. Using the translated parser which is the same in every application program, the task of designing application dependent programs is greatly eased. Of particular interest is the power of a Yet Another Compiler-Compiler (YACC) can now be appreciated by the microprocessor based designer. |
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