Manuscript sent to this journal must be original work that has not been published, or accepted for publication elsewhere. Papers should be written in either Malay or English. However, local writers need to write the title and abstract in both languages.
Please also read the Ethics Statement before submitting your manuscript.
Manuscripts can be submitted in pdf format, or be typed on A4 paper (21 cm x 29.7 cm), double-spaced and in 11 point Times New Roman font. There should be a top margin of 3.81 cm, and a bottom margin of 3.50 cm, with right and left margins of length 3.17 cm. The manuscript should be arranged as follows: Title, Author’s Name, Abstract (about 250 words), Text, Acknowledgement, with the address of the author left aligned after the References. Titles of figures, illustrations, and tables should, as much as possible, follow the example in the template given below. Page numbering should be in sequence, beginning from the first page (title page). To facilitate editing and expedite publication, authors are encouraged to follow the format of the template given on the website.
And in order to facilitate the double blind review process, authors are required to submit two versions of their manuscripts. One as per the template, and the other without the authors’ names, affiliation, acknowledgement/funding information.
2. Guided Template for Fast Reference (MsWord Formatting)
References should follow the author-date system. For example, Shaharir (2002) or (Abdul Razak 2000; Maslina & Thomas 2000). References listed at the end of the text should be arranged in alphabetical order as follows:Name of author, year, title, name of journal, volume and page number. For example:
Maslina D. & Thomas D.K. 2000. The Fekete-Szego theorem for strongly close-to-convex functions. Scientiae Mathematicae 3(2): 201-212.
For books: Name of author, year, title, place of publication and publisher. For example:
Shaharir M.Z. 2002. Fungsi Matematik Teritlak. Bangi: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.The name of the author(s) must begin with the family name, followed by the initials as shown in the above example. Commas should not be used after the family name.
Equations and mathematical symbols, or sentences should follow the correct format. Mathematical equations can be prepared using MathType. A single mathematical symbol, or sentence can be included by inserting the symbols in Ms-Word. Each mathematical symbol should begin at the first tab after skipping one line. If referred to in the text, equations should be numbered in brackets and right aligned.
For ‘and so on’, particularly in mathematical sentences, the conventional standard three dots (…) should be used. For example: The equation is true for x = 1, 2, 3, … . The fourth dot in this example which is of one space distance from the other three dots is the full stop.
Diagrams and illustrations should, as far as possible, be in black and white. If the diagram is to be reduced in size for publication, it must to be clear and sharp.
It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that the submitted work does not infringe any existing copyright. Authors should obtain permission to reproduce or adapt copyrighted material and provide evidence of approval upon submitting the final version of their manuscript.
All manuscripts will be refereed by one, or more referees.
All published papers will be available online. Upon acceptance of the paper, the author or research funder is required to pay a fee of MYR 500/USD 120 to cover the publication-related costs. Information concerning the publication and the journal will be posted on the journal’s website.
Articles accepted for publication will be edited by the editorial board. Authors are required to acknowledge the proof after making sure that there are no factual errors. JQMA is the rightful owner of any published article.
Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu @ DBP – Online access to terms/spelling from DBP, MABBIM, and various
other dictionaries.
Portal Maya Istilah Sains UKM – Search enjine that combines all the terminologies of all the fields and disciplines of Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM.
In order to facilitate the double blind review process, authors are required to submit two versions of their manuscripts. One as per the template, and the other without the authors’ names, affiliation, acknowledgement/funding information.
If by post, two copies for each version of the complete manuscript should be sent to :
JQMA Editor-in-Chief / Managing Editor
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis (JQMA)
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Faculty of Science and Technology
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor DE
Tel: +603-8921 3712 / 5796 / 5714, Fax: +603-8925 4519
Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts electronically via e-mail.
Manuscripts should be preferably submitted in both Ms-Word and PDF format, especially if it has equations and special symbols. Manuscripts that contain complex equations, and/or diagrams, must include the PDF version or be submitted in printed forms as well besides via email.