Transformative Futuristic Education
aT the Core of Sustainable Development

After a century of progressive efforts to improve didactic education, ‘Futuristic Education’ needs to be authentic and transformative. Authentic education can create better connections between education and society, but it tends to reflect the world’s reality rather than change it. In contrast, transformative education not only improves the perspectives of authentic pedagogy but aspires to fundamentally alter the life opportunities of students and transform their world. Transformative education is now emerging, bringing significant signs of change. It acknowledges the legacy of past education while designing a better future. This education is an act of imagination for the future of learning, seeking practical ways to implement it in current practices. It is a continuous process, not a fixed destination. Transformative education aims to develop students’ capacity to become competent workers in the knowledge economy, active global citizens, and balanced individuals in a complex society. It fosters social sensitivity and a commitment to the common good, in line with increasingly interconnected social networks. Thus, transformative education plays a crucial role in sustainable development by equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to address global challenges and promote a more equitable and sustainable future

IUCEL 2024

International University Carnival on E-Learning (IUCEL) remains as a platform that promotes and explores global practices in e-learning applications across various learning institutions worldwide. The theme “Futuristic Transformative Education at the Core of Sustainable Development” invites shared experiences from diverse participations of global educators who are passionate in making continuous improvements in teaching and learning. The organization of IUCEL 2024 aims to promote, explore and share global best practices and expertise in e-Learning at all levels of learning institutions from around the world.

kNovasi 2024

The Congress and Innovation Competition in Teaching and Learning (kNovasi) is an annual event organized by the Centre for Teaching and Curriculum Development, UKM since 2009. Since its held, kNovasi has attracted widespread interest from researchers and innovators from higher education institutions, schools, and the industry. In kNovasi 2023, over 200 papers and innovations were received, and many papers were published in indexed journals and a book published by UKM Publisher, with several others in the publication process. Meanwhile, the TnL products and innovations that were showcased have been disseminated throughout Malaysia through four series of kNovasi magazines.


  • Curriculum for Future Transformation
  • Sustainable Transformative Curriculum

Future-Proof Learning

  • Virtual Future-Proof Learning with Emerging Technologies
  • Blended Future-Proof Learning with Emerging Technologies
  • Face-to-Face Future-Proof Learning with Emerging Technologies

Futuristic Teaching

  • Virtual Futuristic Teaching with Emerging Technologies
  • Blended Futuristic Teaching with Emerging Technologies
  • Face-to-Face Futuristic Teaching with Emerging Technologies

Digital Assessment & Alternative Evaluation

  • Digital Assessment & Alternative Virtual Evaluation with Emerging Technologies
  • Digital Assessment & Alternative Face-to-Face Evaluation with Emerging Technologies


  • Futuristic Education with Generative AI
  • Futuristics Resources with OER and iOER
  • Futuristic Credential with Micro-credential and MOOC
  • Futuristic Education through Mobile Apps


The Teaching and Learning Innovation Competition (TnL) is a competition for academics and students of higher education institutions to showcase innovative and competitive ideas/products/innovations in higher education level. This includes learning analytics, virtual/augmented reality, e-learning pedagogy/approaches, multimedia tools, computer applications, mobile applications and systems and other related fields.


The TnL Innovation Competition is open to all academics and industry parties who are interested in creating solutions and making improvements in TnL. Participants will compete TnL innovation and products resulted from exploring new ideas in future teaching and learning.

  • The competition involving e-learning encompasses Invention, Innovation, and Design on E-Learning (IIDEL)
  • The Teaching and Learning Innovation Competition (non e-learning).


  • Young Digital Innovator Competition

The competition is open to school students age 17 and below in a group of 5 including a teacher.

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Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor

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