Prof. Ts. Dr. Lee Khai Ern
- Head, Research Centre for Sustainability Science and Governance (SGK)
Research Centre for Sustainability Science and Governance (SGK)
Expert Areas:
1. Green Technology (Teknologi Hijau)
2. Sustainability Management (Pengurusan Kelestarian)
3. Environmental and Water Management (Pengurusan Alam Sekitar dan Air)[Resume, click here] [UKM Sarjana, click here] [Expertise Profile]

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rizal Razman
- Principal Fellow
Research Centre for Sustainability Science and Governance (SGK)
Expert Areas:
1. Environmental Law and Management
(Undang-Undang dan Pengurusan Persekitaran)
2. Governance for Sustainability and Environmental Justice
(Governan untuk Kelestarian dan Keadilan Persekitaran)
3. Environmental Sustainability in Health and Technology related Studies
(Kelestarian Persekitaran dalam Bidang Kesihatan dan Teknologi)[Resume, click here] [UKM Sarjana, click here] [Expertise Profile]

Prof. ChM. Dr. Goh Choo Ta
- Principal Fellow
Research Centre for Sustainability Science and Governance (SGK)
Expert Areas:
1. Chemical Governance (Tadbir Urus Bahan Kimia)
2. Chemical Safety & Security (Keselamatan & Sekuriti Kimia)
3. Health Risk Assessment (Penilaian Risiko Kesihatan)[Resume, click here] [UKM Sarjana, click here] [Expertise Profile]

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sarah Aziz Abdul Ghani Aziz
- Senior Fellow
Research Centre for Sustainability Science and Governance (SGK)
Expert Areas:
1. Environmental and Natural Resources Law
(Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar dan Sumber Asli)
2. Law and Sustainability
(Undang-Undang dan Kelestarian)[Resume, click here] [UKM Sarjana, click here] [Expertise Profile]

Ts. Dr. Murnira Othman
- Fellow
Research Centre for Sustainability Science and Governance (SGK)
Expert Areas:
1. Atmospheric Chemistry (Kimia Atmosfera)
2. Indoor Air Assessment and Management
(Penilaian dan Pengurusan Udara Dalaman)[Resume, click here] [UKM Sarjana, click here] [Expertise Profile]
Personal Web:

Dr. Minhaz Farid Ahmed
- Fellow
Research Centre for Sustainability Science and Governance (SGK)
Expert Areas:
1. Water Education, Management, Communication &
Collaboration (WEMC²)
(Pendidikan, Pengurusan, Komunikasi dan Kerjasama
2. Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
(Adaptasi dan Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim)
3. Sustainable Development Goals, i.e., SDGs
(Matlamat Pembangunan Mampan)[Resume, click here] [UKM Sarjana, click here] [Expertise Profile]

Dr. Aziemah Zulkifli
- Fellow
Research Centre for Sustainability Science and Governance (SGK)
Expert Areas:
1. Environmental Health (Kesihatan Persekitaran)
2. Health Risk Assessment (Penilaian Risiko Kesihatan)

Mdm. Rd. Puteri Khairani Khirotdin
- Senior Research Officer
Research Centre for Sustainability Science and Governance (SGK)
Service Areas: Research, Research Management Secretariat, GIS Unit Management
[For more details, click here][UKM Sarjana, click here]

Mr. Mohamad Mahathir Amir Sultan
- Senior Research Officer
Research Centre for Sustainability Science and Governance (SGK)
Service Areas: Publication, CATCH System Administrator
[For more details, click here][UKM Sarjana, click here]

Mdm. Nurul Azila Roslan @ Hj Abdul Aziz
- Senior Assistant Science Officer
Research Centre for Sustainability Science and Governance (SGK)
Service Areas: Publication and Purchase Management (SGK Research Project)