Panduan Kepada Peserta – Menjalani Saringan Kesihatan Projek The Malaysian Cohort

Thank you to all the participants who are willing to participate in this national health research project. The data collected is used for research purposes only, and the personal data of the participants will also be kept confidential under Personal Data Protection Act 2010. We will contact you to set an appointment. Through this screening, you will undergo:

  1. QUESTIONNAIRE SESSION (history of health & treatment, history of residence, occupation, diet)
  2. BLOOD & URINARY TEST (Glucose, Lipid / Cholesterol, Full Blood Count, HbA1c, Kidney Function)
  3. BIOPHYSICAL TEST (Blood Pressure, ECG, Spirometry, Blood Vessel Test). The overall duration is 3-4 hours. All tests are conducted by trained staff.

Where is the Parking Lot?

There is no public parking at the UMBI Building. Here is the parking that we provide & paid parking options that you can try around the UMBI Building.


    1. Beside the Flagpole of the UMBI Building (Front Lobby) and Loading Bay Behind the UMBI Building (First Come First Served). Both parking spaces that we provide are limited. Priority will only be given to participants who are old, infirm, difficult to move, etc. with health problems.
    2. Public Paid Parking Zone L (Location: Left Side of HCTM/HUKM Main Entrance) This parking is a recommended parking from our side because this parking is the closest to the UMBI building and you only have to walk.
    3. Paid Public Parking Zone M (Location: Left Side Before HCTM/HUKM Exit)
    4. DBKL Paid Public Parking (Location: Next to Cheras Football Stadium). Note: This parking lot is outside HCTM and UMBI. Contact us if you need a shuttle service.

Upon arrival at the UMBI Building, please check your name at the Security Guard Counter in the UMBI Lobby. Next, you will be asked to go up to the 6th floor. Once you reach the 6th floor, you will need to submit your identity card (IC) at the registration counter. Please wait until your name is called.

You are FORBIDDEN to park other than the location mentioned to park your vehicle to avoid being compound (fine). We will not be responsible for any non-compliance by you in parking the vehicle at the UMBI Building. Contact us if you need a shuttle service. Thank you.

How to get to UMBI?

The UMBI building is located within the area of ​​HCTM (Hospital Chancellor Tuanku Mukhriz UKM) which was formerly known as Hospital UKM (HUKM). It is located on the left side when you enter through the main entrance of HCTM. Click here Video Guide to UMBI Building from HCTM Main Entrance. You can also refer to the following map as a guide:

Health Screening Results?

The results of the health screening will be posted to the registered home address. Only the results of Body Composition Analysis are submitted on the same day you undergo the testing. We do not provide any specialist consultation or treatment services. You can take your result of screening to a government / private clinic for further treatment.

Terima kasih kerana menjadi sukarelawan kepada projek penyelidikan kesihatan kebangsaan ini. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah untuk penyelidikan. Data peribadi akan dirahsiakan. Kami akan menghubungi anda untuk menetapkan tarikh temujanji. Anda akan menjalani:

  1. SESI SOAL SELIDIK (sejarah kesihatan & rawatan, sejarah tempat tinggal, pekerjaan, diet)
  2. UJIAN DARAH & URIN (Glukosa,Lipid/Kolestrol, Kiraan Darah Penuh, HbA1c,Fungsi Buah Pinggang)
  3. UJIAN BIOFIZIKAL (Tekanan Darah, ECG, Spirometri, Ujian Saluran Darah). Tempoh masa keseluruhan ialah 3-4 jam. Semua ujian dijalankan oleh kakitangan terlatih.

Dimana Parkir Letak Kereta?

Tiada parkir awam di Bangunan UMBI. Berikut adalah parkir yang pihak kami sediakan & pilihan parkir berbayar yang anda boleh cuba di sekitar Bangunan UMBI.

    1. Tepi Tiang Bendera Bangunan UMBI (Lobi Depan) dan Loading Bay Belakang Bangunan UMBI (First Come First Served).Kedua-dua parkir yang pihak kami sediakan ini adalah terhad. Keutamaan hanya akan diberikan kepada peserta yang berumur,uzur,sukar bergerak dll masalah kesihatan.
    2. Parkir Awam Berbayar Zon L (Lokasi: Sebelah Kiri Pintu Masuk Utama HCTM/HUKM) Parkir ini merupakan parkir cadangan daripada pihak kami kerana parkir ini adalah paling dekat dengan Bangunan UMBI dan anda hanya perlu berjalan kaki.
    3. Parkir  Awam Berbayar Zon M (Lokasi: Sebelah Kiri Sebelum Pintu Keluar HCTM/HUKM) 
    4. Parkir Awam Berbayar DBKL (Lokasi: Sebelah Stadium Bola Sepak Cheras).Nota: Parkir ini berada di luar HCTM dan UMBI. Hubungi pihak kami sekiranya anda memerlukan perkhidmatan shuttle

Nota: Sebaik tiba di Bangunan UMBI, sila semak nama ada di Kaunter Pengawal Keselamatan di Lobi UMBI. Seterusnya anda akan diminta naik ke tingkat 6. Sebaik tiba di tingkat 6 anda perlu serahkan kad pengenalan (IC) di kaunter pendaftaran. Sila tunggu sehingga nama anda dipanggil.

Anda DILARANG parkir selain daripada lokasi yang dinyatakan di atas bagi menggelakkan kenderaan anda dikompaun (denda). Kami tidak akan bertanggungjawab ke atas sebarang ketidakpatuhan anda dalam meletakkan kenderaan di Bangunan UMBI. Hubungi pihak kami jika anda memerlukan khidmat shuttle.Terima Kasih.

Bagaimana ke UMBI?

Bangunan UMBI terletak di dalam kawasan HCTM (Hospital Canselor Tuanku Mukhriz UKM) yang dahulunya dikenali dengan nama Hospital UKM (HUKM). Ia terletak sebelah kiri apabila anda masuk melalui pintu masuk utama HCTM. Klik di sini Video Panduan ke Bangunan UMBI dari Pintu Masuk Utama HCTM. Anda juga boleh rujuk peta berikut sebagai panduan:

Sebaik tiba di Bangunan UMBI, sila semak nama ada di Kaunter Pengawal Keselamatan di Lobi UMBI. Seterusnya anda akan diminta naik ke tingkat 6. Sebaik tiba di tingkat 6 anda perlu serahkan kad pengenalan (IC) di kaunter pendaftaran. Sila tunggu sehingga nama anda dipanggil.

Keputusan Saringan Kesihatan?

Keputusan saringan kesihatan akan diposkan ke alamat rumah yang didaftarkan.  Hanya keputusan Analisis Komposisi Badan diserahkan pada hari yang sama anda jalani saringan. Kami tidak menyediakan sebarang khidmat konsultasi pakar atau rawatan. Anda boleh bawa keputusan tersebut ke klinik kerajaan/ swasta untuk rawatan lanjut.