Fundamental Engineering Studies Programme

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Statistics & Numerical Methods

This course introduces statistics as an approach to help solve problems based on data collection and sampling. The main topics under this course include; probability, the Bayes’s theorem, random data distributions, discrete random variables, probabilistic density functions, probabilistic distributions, mean and variance, random and systematic error analyses, probabilistic distribution and density, uniform probabilistic distribution, exponent and normal distributions, mean and variance parameter estimations, point and interval estimations, sampling, significance testing and hypothesis, also regression and correlation. Numerical methods in engineering is then introduced in the second part of the course. Among the main topics that will be covered are linear equations, roots equation, interpolation, regression, derivational and numerical integrations, and the solution to ordinary differential equations. This subject integrates the theory and application of the numerical methods in solving engineering problems. This course is expected to bridge both the fields of mathematics and engineering.

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