Marine Ecosystem Research Centre (EKOMAR)

 Facilitating Discovery of the Tropical Marine Environment

MyNODC Outreach Programme Series 4

Managing Data for Scientific Process

"Data management is an integral component of scientific process. Our researchers have been working together with National Oceanography Directorate, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu and MIMOS Berhad to develop a national oceanographic data center - MyNODC to facilitate the advancement of oceanographic research in Malaysia.

The first system prototype was developed and a series of outreach activities was conducted to introduce the system to various stakeholders and potential users and to gather valuable feedback and comments on the system. MyNODC Outreach Programme Series 4 was held at Faculty of Science and Technology, National University of Malaysia with collaboration from EKOMAR on 2 June 2016. MyNODC provides a friendly platform for stakeholders to interact, publish and share oceanographic and marine science data. Check out the prototype system as"