• 6 March 2019 (Wednesday)
  • 10.00am – 12.00pm
  • LESTARI Meeting Room, Level 2, LESTARI Building, The National University of Malaysia

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H.E. Dr. Adel Mohamed Ali BaHamid, Ambassador of Yemen to Malaysia
The situation in Yemen attracted much attention during the last year after four years of the
catastrophic civil war that resulted in thousands of deaths and disabilities and put Yemen
under one of the most terrible humanitarian crisis in the world, with around 22 million
people in need for urgent humanitarian aids.
The background of this war is still not that much clear for a great number of people around
the world whose uncertain perceptions about the real main causes that lead to this manmade
disaster are varied. Some consider it as a Saudi war against Yemen, while others talk about
a proxy Iranian war against Saudi Arabia. Many questions are yet to be answered about the
Yemeni Government legitimacy, and the roots and truth about the Houthi militias.
Such a confusing situation needs a careful and in-depth exploration. This talk will address
these questions, the background and the roots of the conflict for a better understanding of
what is going on in Yemen.



Dr. Adel Mohamed Bahamid is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
the Republic of Yemen to Malaysia. Prior to joining the diplomatic corps, he was the Chief
Executive Officer of NAMA Foundation, Malaysia in 2016, the Governor of Hadharmout in
Yemen in 2015-2016, and the CEO of Al-Awn Foundation for Development during the years