Living with face masks

The world these days is gripped with the fear of Coronavirus and face masks are a very important component to save us from catching an infection. But due to the pandemic, the world is facing a shortage of these masks and hence judicious use of face masks is paramount. 

Many people think it’s fine to pull their mask under their chin for a quick snack or a sip of water, or even hang their mask from one ear because it’s too troublesome to take the whole thing off. However, we may have picked up germs from touching dirty objects like door handles, tables or chairs. We then subconsciously touch areas on our face after, including our chin. Once we pull the mask under our chin, it is possible for germs to transfer to the mask and subsequently to our face when we put the mask back on. This increases our chances of getting infected with the virus when out in public.

While eating, we should store our mask in a mask keeper instead of placing it on the table. Mask keeper are a good option to let the mask dry, in case there is remaining moisture on it. This prevents growth of any mould or fungus on the mask.

The most important thing to remember is to clean your hands before and after remove the mask, as well as before putting it back on. Storing your masks properly while eating is just one other step to keeping yourself safe while out.