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Curriculum Vitae Prof. Madya Dr. Rashila Ramli




  1. Ph.D in Political Science, Northern Arizona University- 1995
  2. MBA in Management,  Northern Arizona University- 1987
  3. B.Sc. Chemistry, Western Illinois University- 1984

FIELD OF SPECIALISATION:International Politics (Non Traditional Security). Gender and Politics

EDITORIAL BOARD: Akademika (UKM), J. International Relations (UUM)



  1. Social Rights, Social Justice and Social Policies – (2012-2014)
  2. Latin American Translation Project (2009-2012)
  3. The Development of Malaysian Human Security Index– FGRS (2007-2010)
  4. Gender, Governance and Political Participation in Asia Pacific (2006-2009)
  5. Rural Women and Development (2001-2005)



  1. Junaenah Sulehan, Rashila Ramli,  Nor Azizan Idris. 2010 Migration, Security and Resilience : Women Migrabts in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah East Malaysia. Philippine Journal of Labor and Industrial Relations. Vol XXX, No. 1&2, 181-209.
  2. Rashila Ramli and  Mohd. Reza Azadehdel .2009 . Administrative Reform in Guilan Province, Iran. Akademika Vol 75. 65- 84.
  3. Rashila Ramli and Saliha Hassan. 2009. “Women  and Political Development in Malaysia:  New Millenium, New Politics.” dalam Jamilah Ariffin (pytn).  Readings on Women and Development in Malaysia-A Sequel tracing four Decades of Change . Kuala Lumpur:  MPH Press.
  4. Rashila Ramli. 2008  PemerkasaanWanitadalamPolitik Malaysia:  PengamatandanAnalisis. JurnalKajianPolitkdanMasalah Pembangunan (Indonesia) . Vol. 4. No. 1. 185-194
  5. Rashila Ramli. 2008.  Southeast Asia Assoc. For Gender Studies -Malaysian Chapter: Bridging the Gap between Academicians and Practitioners. dlm Cecilia Ng and Rashidah Shuib. A Profile of Women and Gender Studies in Malaysia. Penang: KANITA/USM.
  6. Rashila Ramli. 2007. “Gender danPolitikAntarabangsa:  Keselamatanuntuksiapa?” dalamRamdanPanigoro (ed.) IsudanpermasalahanPolitikdanBudaya. Bandung:  UNPAD-UKM.
  7. Rashila Ramli. 2007.  “Malaysia-Japan Relations:  The Role of Bureaucracy in National development”  dalam Ronald Holes (ed.) Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Southeast Asia. Philippines: PSSRC.
  8. Rashila Ramli , 2006, Women`s Leadership in the Era of Globalisation:Opening Doors of Opportunities , Journal Of Social Sciences Research (Japan) V. 59,18 . 51-69
  9. Rashila Ramli. 2004. Malaysian Youth:  From Government policies to Grassroots Aspirations” dalam F. Gale and S. Fahey (eds.) Youth in Transition:  The challenges of generational Change in Asia.”  Bangkok: UNESCO.
  10. Rashila Ramli, 2003 . The Multiple Roles of Rural Women during the 1999 Election: The Case of FELDA J8 ,dalam Francis LohKokWahdan Johan SaravanamuttuNew Politics in Malaysia . Singapore: ISEAS.

THESIS EXAMINATION: External Examiner – 5, Internal Examiner- 14


  1. Persatuan Sains Sosial Malaysia (PSSM) – Deputy President ( 2010-2012)
  2. National Council of Women’s Organization (NCWO)- Asst. Sec. General (2011-2012)
  3. Asia Pacififc Forum for Women, Law and Development ( APWLD)- Regional Council member (2012-2014)


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