Jom Bersama PMFFar & Bengkel Pengurusan Kelab

The “Jom Bersama PMFFar & Bengkel Pengenalan Kelab” was a significant event held on October 26th, 2024, by the Faculty of Pharmacy for the 24/25 session. This online gathering was conducted on Microsoft Teams. It brought together over 150 participants, including the PMFFar High Committee, club officials from Green Lung, JATI, and Pharmaline, as well as first-year pharmacy students. This program was held to provide initial exposure and promote first-year pharmacy students to become actively involved in PMFFar or various pharmacy clubs in the future.

The event commenced with a warm welcome from YDP Mohamad Tasnim Seah Bin Abdul Aziz, followed by an introduction to the PMFFar committee members and their respective roles. To inspire and inform the attendees, the organisers showcased videos highlighting past PMFFar initiatives, such as the Pharmacy Awareness Campaign, Pharmnight, and OPKIM. Then, representatives from MyPSA also discussed the objectives of their promotional tour.

The afternoon session delved deeper into the specific clubs and their contributions to the pharmacy field. Green Lung UKM, dedicated to promoting tobacco-free environments, presented their organisational structure and past activities. JATI-UKM, which focused on entrepreneurship and marketing skills, provided valuable insights into the commercial aspects. Finally, Pharmaline club offered a comprehensive introduction to their club which focuses on annual magazine publication. 

To foster engagement and interaction, the event incorporated interactive sessions. Participants were divided into twelve groups and were assigned to breakout rooms on Microsoft Teams, where they were guided by Person-In-Charge (PIC) members. In conclusion, the “Jom Bersama PMFFar & Bengkel Pengenalan Kelab” was a resounding success. It showcased the commitment and diligence of the PMFFar committee and the various clubs, leading to a brighter future of our faculty.

Written by: Gordon Loi Ming Kai