The 52nd Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Convocation

Some may say it’s just another day, another ceremony to announce that you’ve succeeded in finishing all your required courses and fulfilling all the credit hours but it’s definitely more than that. On the 27th of November 2024, in the grand halls of DECTAR students clad in their colorful gowns and best attire get ready to receive their scrolls, the result of their sleepless nights and litres of tears shed. This special day, the 9th session of the 52nd Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Convocation was more than just a ‘convocation’, it’s a milestone, a milestone that acts as a witness to their dedication, strength and pure passion in doing what they sought out to do 4 years ago. 

As the tune of ‘Varsiti Kita’ started to play by the band, students soon to be alumni enter the hall followed by the line of distinguished lecturers, The Vice-chancellor, and The Pro-Chancellor. The entrance was followed by a string of formalities including the prayer recitation, and the singing of the national anthem ‘Negaraku’ and University Song. The ceremony was then officiated by the Pro-Chancellor, YBHG. Tan Sri Datuk Rafiah Salim and continued with a speech by the Vice-Chancellor, YBHG. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Ekhwan Hj. Toriman. 

Students from 3 faculties, the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEP), the Faculty of Health Sciences (FSK) and the Faculty of Pharmacy (FFar), gathered together in the the halls that they once took their exams in, but this time, instead of anxiously memorising the last bits of their notes, they wait anxiously to walk on the stage, where they would finally receive their scroll, the proof of their blood, sweat, and tears. Dressed in their favourite garments and colorful gowns representing their faculty, the students smiled brightly through their 5 second walk of fame across the stage that would soon become a memory that they would never forget. 
While they reminisce with their friends and family, the ones that have been with them through thick and thin. Through all the rough assignments, lab reports and demanding final year projects, they realised how much they’ve grown and how much those 4 years that they spent with each other would soon become faraway remembrance, but as one door closes another door opens. And as the ceremony ends, the curtain descends and they step out of those halls, a new world awaits them, no longer known as students but now as alumni of UKM Faculty of Pharmacy.

Written by: Melisa Iman