Piala Dekan & Hari Interaksi (PDHI) is an annual event that involves all students, lecturers and staff under the Faculty of Pharmacy, held by Persatuan Mahasiswa Fakulti Farmasi (PMFFar). Kept as a tradition, this program aims to deepen and solidify the bond between the students and staff. It is also an opportunity for students to discover and enhance their talent in sports through inter-house sports and mini-sports events. This program was held on 20th and 21st December 2024 at the KTSN field while the closing ceremony was on the 22nd December 2024 at KTSN hall. Furthermore, the Vida.C company generously sponsored this program and showed immense support.
Students and staff were divided into four houses – House Arryn, House Baratheon, House Stark and House Lannister, fitting the theme inspired by Game of Thrones. The first day, volleyball, netball, and futsal were held from 4:45 p.m. to 10:15 p.m. House Baratheon was taking the lead as winning gold in all events except netball. The next day, the ongoing event was basketball, frisbee and dodgeball. House Arryn and House Stark climbed the ladder to get gold in dodgeball and frisbee. Students showed passion and determination during all the games.
On the last day, started at 8:15 a.m., aerobics led by the second-year students as a warm-up for the mini-sports event. There are a total of four activities done for the mini-sports event, like kereta api sarong, tin berdiri, galah panjang and perang angin. The highlight event was the closing ceremony commencing at 11:10 a.m., with a speech by the director, Hafiq Aiman. This was followed by a speech by the dean, Prof. Dr. Mohd bin Makmor Bakry, who encouraged students to be more active in sports to balance both academics and curriculum. The gimmick with fire that burns and exposes the trophy, symbolises the burning passion of students to achieve victory.
Next, the first session of performances prepared by the first-year students begins. With a hint of tradition, Dikir Barat starts, followed by joyful and exciting Boria. For the second session, a genuine and ardent acting proved the time spent practising. Lastly, three different dances showed their gracefulness and delicateness, and they were dressed in traditional clothes to fit with the theme. In between, medals for each sport won by the house were awarded. The grand finale featured a collaborative performance by all first-year students alongside Pharmaband as they performed a final, upbeat song. The peak of the ceremony approached by announcing the MVP, Adib Syahiran bin Julaihi from House Baratheon and Nur Afiqah binti Zulkeflee from House Stark. For the lecturers, the MVP was won by Dr. AKM Moyeenul Haq and Prof. Madya Dr. Norsyahida binti Mohd Fauzi. Finally, the eagerly awaited results were announced. The second runner-up won by House Arryn followed by House of Stark as the runner-up and the champion went to House Baratheon. Lastly, a photography session was held as a memory to cherish together the strong bond and camaraderie shared by pharmacy students and lecturers.
Written by: Che Izyan Hilda