Fakulti Farmasi | Faculty of Pharmacy, UKM

 Menerajui Farmasi Untuk Kesihatan | Advancing Pharmacy For Health

Centre for Quality
Management of Medicines

Medication Information &  Literacy 


Prof Mohd Makmor Bakry

Digital Technology and Medicine Usage

  • Since the introduction of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of digital technology keeps increasing. This disruptive technology changed the way health professionals and patients received medication related information and handled the medication. Current research projects include the relationship between social media and vaccination acceptance, and digital apps to enhance medication supply and adherence.

Dr Adliah Mhd Ali

Competency standard and assessment for credentialing home medication review services in Malaysia

  • Currently, there has been an increasing number of government and private healthcare facilities offering this service to patients and the public. Nevertheless, national competency standard criteria are not available to credential pharmacists providing this service. To ensure that the service provided is up to the standard and benefits the chronic disease patients’ health outcomes, it is important to identify and explore the competencies and assessment required for the pharmacists to perform this service.

 A/ Prof Noraida Mohamed Shah

Development and Validation of Patient-Centered Educational Tools in Improving Pharmacist’s Knowledge and Attitude in Optimizing Dyslipidemia Management

  • Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have been the major risk of mortality and morbidity worldwide. All healthcare professionals should work together to solve this issue from various angles in accordance to their expertise. Recent studies emphasized on the engagement between pharmacists and the society. The role of community pharmacists shall be optimized in terms of dyslipidemia management as community pharmacies are widely accessible to the community. This study aimed to develop an educational tool for dyslipidemia management which may be used as the standard reference for the practicing community pharmacists. We hope that these educational tools will improve their counselling methods and improve patients’ understanding on their disease management.



Dr Adyani Md Redzuan

Competency standard and assessment for credentialing home medication review services in Malaysia

  • Currently, there has been an increasing number of government and private healthcare facilities offering this service to patients and the public. Nevertheless, national competency standard criteria are not available to credential pharmacists providing this service. To ensure that the service provided is up to the standard and benefits the chronic disease patients’ health outcomes, it is important to identify and explore the competencies and assessment required for the pharmacists to perform this service.

 Dr Chong Wei Wen

Determinants and risks of health misinformation on Malaysian social media

  • Social media is a powerful communication tool, and its impact on health cannot be ignored. Unfortunately, health misinformation on social media is prevalent and can have adverse effects on public health. This research aims to understand the extent and characteristics of health misinformation on Malaysian social media. In addition, we also aim to identify susceptible populations who are vulnerable to health misinformation on social media and potential risks on health behaviours. Findings from this research may be useful to devise interventions and strategies to counter health misinformation and leverage social media tools to support positive health changes.


Patients as partners: Improving medication therapy management through patient-centred communication.

  • Patient-centred communication is a key element for improving medication therapy management by improving therapeutic relationships, patient participation and treatment process. Building on our previous research on patient-centred care in the context of pharmacy consultations in Malaysia, this research aims to develop an intervention consisting of a communication training module to enhance patient partnership within medication therapy management consultations by pharmacists. In addition, we also aim to develop and validate an instrument to assess patient-centred communication behaviour in pharmacy consultations. The developed module and tool may be useful for both researchers and clinical practitioners who wish to advance the implementation of patient-centredness in pharmacist consultations.

Dr Siti Azdiah Abdul Aziz

Development of online supportive information material for children with Type-1 diabetes mellitus

  • There is a lack of awareness on the importance of insulin therapy among patients with T1DM. Supportive information material will provide more clinical evidence in identifying and understanding T1DM disease to achieve a better level of knowledge. It is important to increase the knowledge of T1DM among children because of significant non-adherence in this population. The aim of this study is to develop online supportive information material for children with T1DM and assess its effectiveness and usability in this population.