Fakulti Farmasi | Faculty of Pharmacy, UKM

 Menerajui Farmasi Untuk Kesihatan | Advancing Pharmacy For Health

Postgraduate Research Proposal Presentation with Prof. Ian Wong

On the 27th January 2022, postgraduate students from the Faculty of Pharmacy, UKM conducted a Research Proposal Presentation. This session aimed to get some feedback from the lecturers and supervisors on the student’s research activities and planning. It also acts as a sharing session among the postgraduate students to get the motivation and inspiration as part of a research journey from their fellow classmates. In this session, Prof Ian Wong has provided some valuable feedback, comments and relevant suggestions to the students to further improve their research progress. His vast experience in the international research field has also contributed to a very refreshing and different perspective for the students to learn. Thank you very much to all who participated in this fruitful  session and discussion!