Since the establishment of the Institute of Islam Hadhari on 10 May 2007, an endowment fund has been obtained to establish the Chair of Excellence Sheikh Abdullah Fahim to mobilize and support this multidisciplinary research institute.
16 May 2007: Mesyuarat Senat UKM 330 Bil. 51/2007 agreed to approve the application for the establishment of the Chair of Excellence Sheikh Abdullah Fahim
5 July 2007: Mesyuarat 4/2007 Lembaga Pengarah Universiti (LPU) supported and acknowledged the decision of Mesyuarat Senat UKM
20 August 2007: The proposal for the establishment of the Chair of Excellence Sheikh Abdullah Fahim was submitted to Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi (JPT)
12 February 2008: Chair of Excellence Sheikh Abdullah Fahim was officially launched by Tun Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi, the 5th Prime Minister of Malaysia
6 May 2008: Mesyuarat Pengurusan Universiti Bil. 11/2008 approved the proposal to establish Jawatankuasa Tabung Amanah Dana Kursi Endowmen Sheikh Abdullah Fahim
End of 2008: The establishment of Chair of Excellence Sheikh Abdullah Fahim was approved by Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tetap Kewangan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Bil. 43/2008
Under this Chair of Excellence Sheikh Abdullah Fahim, Institute Islam Hadhari has received funds of RM 5 million from the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education. This endowment fund is an initiative in the form of a capital property or non-profit investment fund where the original donation money is kept permanently and only the money received from the investment and dividends will be spent. The annual profits of this fund investment have been used to finance the cost of paying emoluments, research projects, scientific discourses, seminars, publications, conferences, and international networks at the Institute of Islam Hadhari in sustaining and increasing its role in high-quality and forward-looking scholarly activities. The management of the Chair of Excellence Sheikh Abdullah Fahim fund is monitored by the Jawatankuasa Pemegang Amanah dan Yayasan Canselori UKM to ensure that its use complies with regulations and laws.
The chair was named the Chair of Excellence Sheikh Abdullah Fahim in appreciation of the contribution and stance of Sheikh Abdullah Fahim which is in line with the idea of Islam Hadhari implemented by the Malaysian government under the leadership of his grandson, Tun Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi at that time. The stance and attitude of Sheikh Abdullah Fahim were seen as progressive and proactive in fighting for the importance of the Malay agenda and the development of Islam in Malaysia through the fields of education, politics, and administration. The prominence of Sheikh Abdullah Fahim in the field of astronomy was also very evident when he was referred by His Excellency Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia to determine the date of the country’s independence on August 31, 1957.
Organizational Chart of the
Committee of Chair of Excellence Sheikh Abdullah Fahim

Chairman of the Committee of
Chair of Excellence Sheikh Abdullah Fahim,
Institute Islam Hadhari
Incumbent of Chair of Excellence Sheikh Abdullah Fahim
Dato’ Wira Dr. Ismail Haji Ibrahim
(1 Julai 2008 sehingga 30 Jun 2012)
Allahyarham Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim
(17 November 2014 sehingga 16 November 2016)
Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Paduka Zakaria Stapa
(4 Ogos 2017 sehingga 3 Ogos 2019)
Prof. Dr. Abdul Ghafar Ismail
(1 September 2022 sehingga 31 Ogos 2023)
Activities of Chair of Excellence Sheikh Abdullah Fahim
1. Research (Politik dan Kepimpinan; Sosio Budaya; Pengurusan, Ekonomi dan Perniagaan; Sains, Teknologi, Alam Sekitar dan Kesihatan) – boleh mention berapa geran penyelidikan dalam graphic sekali
2. Workshop/ Clinic/ Discourse/ Forum/ Lecture
3. Seminar
4. Publication
5. International Network
6. Emolument