Associate Professor

Lt. Kol. Bersekutu (PA) Dr. Shahrizan Baharom
B.Eng. (UKM), Ph.D (Swansea)
Head of Civil Engineering Programme
Structural and Composite Engineering
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Ts. Dr. Siti Aminah Hj. Osman
Dip. Eng. (UTM), B.Eng. (UTM), M.Sc. (Bradford), Ph.D (UKM)
Deputy Dean
Networking & Income GenerationStructural Engineering
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Lt. Kol. Bersekutu (PA) Ts. Dr. Azrul A. Mutalib
B.Eng. (UKM), M.Eng. (UPM), Ph.D (UWA)
Structural and Construction Engineering
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Lt. Kol. Bersekutu (PA) Sr. Ts. Gs. Dr. Khairul Nizam Abdul Maulud
Dip. (UTM), B.Sc. (UTM), M.Sc. (UTM), Ph.D (UKM), MRISM
Head of Earth Observation Centre UKM
Geomatic & GIS
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Lt. Kol. Bersekutu (PA) Ir. Ts. Dr. Nur Izzi Md. Yusoff
B.Eng. (UKM), M.Eng. (UTM), Ph.D (Nottingham), MIEM, P.Eng.
Asphalt Technology
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Ir. Dr. Wan Hanna Melini Wan Mohtar
B.Eng. (UKM), M.Sc. (KIST), M.Eng. (AIT), Ph.D (Nottingham)
Environmental Hydraulics
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Ir. Dr. Siti Fatin Mohd. Razali
B.Eng. (UTM), Ph.D (UWA), MIEM, P.Eng.
Hydraulic & Hydrology

Dr. Muhamad Nazri Borhan
B.Eng. (UKM), M.Sc. (UKM), Ph.D (UKM)
Transportation Engineering
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Dr. Muhamad Azry Khoiry
B.Eng. (UKM), Ph.D (UKM)
Deputy Director, Centre for Entrepreneurship and SMEs Development, UKM
Construction Management
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