KITA Discourse Series 02/2018: Batek, Malays & Chinese: Does Tourism Work with Multi-Ethnic Community?, 26 April 2018

On 26 April 2018 (Thursday), KITA Discourse Series No. 2/2018 was held with the following particulars:

Title: Batek, Malays & Chinese: Does Tourism Work with Multi-Ethnic Community?
Speaker: Frankie Fan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Venue: KITA Meeting Room

Abstract: In my PhD research project, I looked at the relationship between local communities and tourism development, and how tourism and natural resources were negotiated between them. My case study was in Taman Negara Pahang, 4,343km2 biodiversity-rich tropical rainforest in Peninsular Malaysia that attracts more than 80,000 visitors per year. Only after I started my pilot study, the topic of multi-ethnic community emerged as I realized the very different ethnic groups involved in the local tourism development: the indigenous Batek (one of Orang Asli communities), local Malays and Malaysian Chinese. From 2014 – 2017, I lived with the Batek and the Malays in many occasions to get their insider views towards tourism and ethnic relations in Taman Negara, and I also became friends with the Chinese travel agent. My presentation will first discuss the complexity, the roles and relationship between the Batek, Malays and Chinese in the day-to-day running of tourism business in Taman Negara. For the second part, I will present a core chapter of my thesis: β€˜Voice from the jungle: Orang Asli Batek on tourism, modernization and relationship with outsiders’. I hereby summarized the overall contents into three simple research questions: How far did these heterogeneous ethnic groups in Taman Negara had conflicts in negotiating tourism resources, or was it more of a successful case of multi-ethnic collaboration? Were the indigenous Batek marginalized? How will the findings from Taman Negara provide new perspectives to the theory of community-based tourism (CBT) and the future tourism planning in Malaysia as a multi-cultural country?

About the Speaker: Keng Hang Frankie FAN (θŒƒζ•¬ζ†) is PhD Candidate in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, in Geography and Resource Management. He is expected to graduate in summer 2018 with his Phd thesis entitled β€œTourism and Multi-ethnic Community: A Case Study of Taman Negara Rainforest, Malaysia”. His research interests are anchored in ethnic issues, community-based tourism, indigenous people, sustainable rainforest and Malaysia.