Chair of Research Center
LT. KDR. (B) TLDM ASSOC. PROF. DR. LOKHMAN HAKIM OSMANChair of Value Creation and Human Well-being Center603 8921 Specialization Supply Chain Management, Neural Network
DR. MOHD FAHMI GHAZALIChair of Global Business and Digital Economy Center603 8921 Specialization Financial Economics & Econometrics
ASSOC. PROF. DR. NORADIVA HAMZAHChair of Governance Resilience and Accountability Center603 8921 Specialization Financial Reporting, Intellectual Capital
ASSOC. PROF. DR. NORLIDA HANIM MOHD SALLEHChair of Inclusive and Sustainable Development Center, Chair of KKSK603 8921 Specialization Tourism Economics, Resource Economics, Environmental Economics