Quality Management Structure
This page is undergoing the process of translation. Please see the Malay language version for accurate and reliable description (in Malay) of quality policy of the Faculty. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Central Quality Assurance Unit
Chaired by the Chairman of the Central
• ensure that all programs implemented innovation and continuous improvement of teaching methods at the Center for
• develop (if necessary), to coordinate and monitor database (relevant supporting documents) in order to remain current and in accordance with requirements of the MQA / ISO and any recent professional bodies
• ensure that all graduate and undergraduate programs produce documentation that meets the needs of the MQA / ISO and any recent professional bodies
• develop and maintain a central database of stakeholder feedback / program
• implement improvements based on the feedback obtained stakeholders (stakeholder interviews, student exit surveys, employer surveys, Parents survey) of documentation and CQI Committee and also at the central level
• perform internal audits (meeting the requirements of ISO, WQA and any professional body) periodically
• expose information on ISO, WQA and any updates to the members of the center through center meeting
• deliver the latest information and help Jawatankuasa2 Cluster
• provide performance reports Quality Assurance Unit in the Center for Quality Assurance Division Meeting Center once every two months
Cluster Committee (according to the center field)
• planning teaching and learning areas / clusters of courses that meet the Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF)
• streamline assessment blueprint field / cluster
• ensure that the curriculum areas / clusters are reviewed and monitored according to current needs and the needs of stakeholders
• ensure that the file is provided in accordance with the requirements of ISO courses and MQA
• prepare a report for the committee traveling discussed by the Quality Assurance Unit periodically Center.