The Master of Science (Chemistry) by coursework offers a package of a minimum of one semesters for full-time students and four semesters for part-time students. This program is offered to qualified students from chemical industries, private colleges, research institutions, teachers and government sector which have limited time to further their studies. Graduates from this program are expected to have in-depth knowledge in advanced areas of chemistry and competence in solving problems inchemistry and related sciences.
Study Duration
Minimum 2 semesters (1 year)
Maximum 4 semesters (2 years)
Intake – 2 times a year (March & October)
*subjected to UKM academic calendar
Semester | Course Type | Code and Name of Courses | Total Credit |
I | Core Course | STPD6024 Research Methodology STKK6113 Quantum Chemistry STKK6313 Inorganic Synthesis and Mechanism STKK6513 Organic Synthesis STKK6713 Principles of Analytical and Instrumentation Design STKK6972 Research Project I | 18 |
Elective Course
| STKK6342 Physical Inorganic Chemistry STKK6542 Kinetics and Reaction Mechanism | 4 | |
II | Core Course | STKK6123 Advanced Polymer Chemistry STKK6323 Applied Inorganic Chemistry STKK6523 Spectroscopy in Chemistry Organic STKK6723 Chemical Management System STKK6986 Research Project II
| 18 |
Elective Course | STKK6142 Electrochemistry STKK6762 Surface Analysis | 4 | |
Total Credit | 40 |
STPD6024 Research Methodology
This course provides guidance in planning, implementing and succeed in a scientific research. Students are introduced to the science philosophy and ethics necessary to be adopted by researchers. Students are given exposure to determine and manage risks in scientific research. Apart from that, issues and rules related to research such as intellectual property, copyright, plagiarism etc. will be discussed. Subsequently, students are guided to plan their research and prepare a research proposal. For this, students are trained with techniques in information search both manually and on-line, identifying issues and research objectives, planning research and experimental design within their period of study. Students are required to prepare their research proposal according to the format and making sure that it is free from plagiarism by introduction of plagiarism checker system. Students are given the opportunity to present their proposal in a seminar and defend them. Students will be evaluated based on written and oral presentation of the research proposal, and final examination.
STKK6113 Quantum Chemistry
This course introduces and discusses the basic principles in quantum theory; topics include wave-particle duality principle, uncertainty principle, Schrödinger equation, normalization and quantization, the born interpretation of the wave function, operators, eigenvalues and eigen functions, probability and expectation values. The application of wave function in solving the particle in a box and motion in one dimensions for translational motion; the energy levels and the wave functions for vibrational motion; and rotation in one and three dimensions, and spin for rotational motion will be included in discussion. In the second part of this course, the material covers the following topics: atomic spectra, structure of H atom, ionization energy, molecular structure, molecular orbital theory, bonding and antibonding orbitals, linear combinations of atomic orbitals (LCAO) theory, Huckel molecular orbital theory and computational chemistry will also be discussed.
STKK6123 Advanced Polymer Chemistry
Lectures are divided into three basic aspects i.e. mixing thermodynamics, miscibility and colloidal blending. The topics to be discussed are enthalphy, entrophy and free energy, molecular interaction and compatibility. Discussion on polymer miscibility will be on viscosity, rheology, morphology and phase equilibrium, physical and mechanical properties, and solution and melt-blending. Colloidal blending will be discussed with respect to dispersion of colloid, dispersed and dispersing phases, and agglomeration of amphifilic molecules, micelle structure and properties, colloidal stability, dispersing agents, and colloidal mixing.
STKK6142 Electrochemistry
Topics to be discussed include choice of solvent and electrolyte, cell design and electrodes, voltammetric techniques for synthetic reactions, electrochemical synthesis by controlled potential electrolysis, spectro-electrochemistry, electrochemical reactions in an aqueous media and organic solvent. Besides that, applications in battery research and technology as well as chemical sensor/ biosensor will be introduced. Furthermore, application of electrochemistry in industrial including chlor-alkali industries, electrosynthesis and electroplating will be discussed.
STKK6313 Inorganic Reaction Mechanism
This course will expose students to all aspects of basic inorganic reaction mechanisms, namely the process of bond formation and cleavage, electron transfer, the nature of intermediates, medium and other effects, in inorganic and organometallic redox and substitution reactions, including those which underlie important catalytic, environmental, biological and industrial processes. Besides that the important inorganic and organometallic reactions will also be discussed to strengthen the understanding of the students in inorganic mechanism.
STKK6323 Applied Inorganic Chemistry
This course will discuss one important topics in inorganic chemistry relating to our daily life, firstly, the structural and functions of metal/metal ions in our life such as minerals, vitamin and coenzymes will be discussed. In addition, biochemistry reactions involving metal ions such as uptake, transport and storage of metal ion as exemplified by iron; copper-proteins, photosynthesis, coenzymes and catalytic enzyme reaction will also be included. Secondly, the important of inorganic compounds in industries as catalyst will be discussed. Mechanisms of homogeneous catalyst will be discussed in detailed and discussion on heterogenous system is concentrated on liquid and gas systems.
STKK6342 Physical Inorganic Chemistry
Course involved in-depth study on the properties and reactions of inorganic compound. The main focus is on the substitution reaction of the octahedron complexes, tetrahedron and square planar. The concept of stable, labile and mechanism steps, stereochemistry, trans effect and experimental evidence of associations and exchange mechanism will be studied. Other than substitution reaction, redox reactions with internal and external spherical concept and reactions of coordinated ligands are also investigated. Coordinated ligand reaction involved hydrolysis of ester amide and peptide, template and electrophilic. Reactions related to biochemical system will also be discussed.
STKK6513 Organic Synthesis
Reaction leading towards the formation of carbon-carbon bonds, summary of reactions especially involving functional group interconversion. Synthetic methods with emphasis on discovery, development and use of chemical reaction in synthesis; limitations and scope of the reactions in questions. Multi-step synthesis of natural products as templates for various synthetic approaches and strategies. Synthetic reagents using organometallic compound will also be discussed.
STKK6523 Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry
This course introduced the structural determination and stereochemistry of organic compound. Theory and application of modern spectroscopic methods for this particular aim will be discussed including ultraviolet, infrared, one and one- dimensional NMR and mass spectrometry. In addition, step by step approach instructural elucidation of organic compounds which involves abstraction and interpretation of ultraviolet, infrared, one and one-dimensional NMR and mass spectral data will be discussed in detail. Other than focusing on the structural elucidation exercises based on spectroscopic data, hands-on application of the instrument will also be done during one slot of practical work. The importance of spectroscopic and physical data in stereo-chemical determination of organic compound will also be covered.
STKK6542 Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism
This course explores on the details on method and data interpretations in parallel to the kinetic of an organic or inorganic reactions. Mathematical treatment of the proposed mechanisms which should be in agreement with the kinetic data obtained. The mechanism for several common reaction including substitution, redox, catalysis acid base, polymerization and enzymatic reactions will be studied. Stopped flow and temperature jump technique will also be introduced. The linear free energy relationship, isotope effect and mathematical treatment of some complex reactions will be discussed.
STKK6713 Principles of Analytical Instrumentation Design
Understanding on the chemical principle of qualitative and quantitative in designing analytical instrumentation is incorporated. System and component in the analytical instrumentation – light source, heater, optic, pump, motor, operational amplifier, electronic, central processing unit (CPU), vacuum, interfaces, volume and mass measurement, detector and others are discussed. Steps in designing analytical instrumentation system for specific purposes and example of automatic analyser and processing analyzer used in various field will also be introduced.
STKK6723 Chemical Management System
Relation between economy, industry, safety and environment will be introduced. Emphasis is given to the management of hazardous chemicals, scheduled waste and related acts and regulations inMalaysia. The Occupational Safety and Health Acts (OSHA 514), Classification, Packaging and Labelling Hazardous Chemicals Regulations (CPL 1997),Schedule Waste (1989), Use and Standards of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health (USECHH 2000), Materials Safety Data Sheet(MSDS) will be discussed. Hazard analysis (HAZAN, HAZOP), relation between chemical and toxicology, chemical cycle and emergency of chemical industry, fire and chemicals spillage and disposal of schedule waste and fire safety are also discussed. Introduction to various management systems will be discussed such as for quality assurance (ISO 9001:2000), environmental (ISO 14000) and occupational health and safety (OHSAS 18001). ISO17025. Good Manufacturing Practice. Cradle to Grave Management.
STKK6762 Surface Analysis
This course will discuss the importance of surface analysis, vacuum system, mean free path (MFP), photoelectron phenomenon and Aufer electron. The electron spectroscopy discussion will involve theory, instrumentation and data analysis for XPS, AES and UPS spectroscopy. Surface analysis for solid sample based on sample saturation/unsaturation involving N2 gas, BET equation, surface area, pore size and distribution of pore. Selective saturation based on chemical saturation of the H2 gas and other gases. The normal method used for surface analysis involve an instrumental theory and the use of AFM, SEM and TEM instruments.
STKK6972 Research Project I
The objective of this course is to expose the students to the research in chemistry, which consists of organic, inorganic, analytical, physical and polymer chemistry. The research project will be carried out in one semesters consecutively and each student is expected to submit their dissertation at the end of the second semester. The titles for the projects will be given by the corresponding lecturers who are responsible to guide the students throughout their studies. This project will be evaluated based on the written proposal, presentation and the progress of the project in the first semester.
STKK6986 Research Project II
Research project II is the continuation of Research Project I where the students in this semester are required to write a report in the form of a dissertation on their research findings. The evaluation will be carried out based on the dissertation and oral exam. The project must be written based on UKM’s thesis templates and writing guidelines stipulated in The UKM Style Guide.