INSTITUT KAJIAN ETNIK β€’ 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘡π˜ͺ𝘡𝘢𝘡𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘌𝘡𝘩𝘯π˜ͺ𝘀 𝘚𝘡𝘢π˜₯π˜ͺ𝘦𝘴


KITA Postgraduates’ Colloquium

Kolokium Siswazah KITA

Penyelaras Kolokium | Colloquium Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rizal Mohd Yusof

  1. Setiap pelajar wajib membentangkan kajian di peringkat usulan, laporan kemajuan dan draf akhir dalam Kolokium Siswazah KITA sebagai sebahagian daripada kaedah penilaian dan pemantauan pencapaian dan hasil pembelajaran pelajar. Pembentangan tesis pada fakulti atau institut lain atau majlis lain selain Kolokium Siswazah KITA tidak diambil kira.

    Each student is required to present his/her research at KITA Postgraduates’ Colloquium in three stages: proposal, progress, and final draft, as part of the assessment in monitoring students’ achievement and learning outcomes. Any presentation of thesis at faculties, institutes or events other than the KITA Postgraduate Colloquium will not be considered as having fulfilled the requirement of student presentation at KITA.

  2. Pindaan besar kepada topik dan skop penyelidikan memerlukan pembentangan sekali lagi tertakluk pertimbangan Penyelia Utama atau Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penyeliaan.

    Any major changes made to the research topic and scope require the repeat of a presentation and is subjected to the consideration of the Main Supervisor or the Chairperson of the Supervisory Committee.

  3. Pemilihan pelajar untuk membentang pada kolokium semasa dilakukan berdasarkan pandangan Penyelia Utama mengenai kesediaan pelajar untuk membentang usulan kajian, laporan kemajuan dan draf akhir. Walau bagaimanapun pelajar terpilih boleh menarik diri daripada pembentangan dalam kolokium semasa dengan alasan munasabah dan disokong Penyelia Utama.

    The selection of students to present at a colloquium is done based on the discretion of Main Supervisor pertaining to the readiness of students to present either the research proposal, progress report or final draft. However, students can choose to withdraw from a presentation in the colloquium with acceptable reasons and endorsed by the Main Supervisor.

  4. Prosedur menarik diri daripada pembentangan dalam kolokium semasa: pelajar hendaklah menghantar permohonan secara bertulis kepada Penyelaras Kolokium melalui Eksekutif Kanan dalam tempoh dua (2) minggu selepas notis mengadakan Kolokium Siswazah KITA dan senarai nama pelajar yang terpilih untuk pembentangan dimaklumkan melalui hebahan e-mel.

    Procedures in withdrawing from a presentation in any colloquium: the student concerned is required to send a written request to the Coordinator of the Colloquium through the Senior Executive of KITA within two (2) weeks after the notice of the date and time of the KITA Postgraduate Colloquium and the list of student presenters are received via KITA students’ e-mail group.

  5. Pelajar yang tidak terpilih tetapi ingin membentang dalam kolokium semasa juga boleh membuat permohonan untuk membentang dalam tempoh dua (2) minggu selepas notis mengadakan Kolokium Siswazah KITA dan senarai nama pelajar yang terpilih untuk pembentangan dimaklumkan melalui hebahan e-mel.

    Students who are not selected but would like to present their research at any colloquium can also submit a written application within two (2) weeks after the notice of the date and time of the KITA Postgraduate Colloquium and the list of student presenters have been announced via KITA students’ e-mail group.

  6. Kolokium Siswazah KITA bagi pembentangan peringkat usulan kajian dan laporan kemajuan diadakan sekali pada setiap semester.

    Students’ presentations of their research proposal and progress report are held once in every semester.

  7. Kolokium Siswazah KITA bagi pembentangan peringkat draf akhir diadakan secara berasingan dan tidak berkala. Pelajar diwajibkan membentang draf akhir sebelum membuat penyerahan notis serahan tesis. Dalam pembentangan tersebut pengulas akan memberi pandangan sama ada pelajar telah bersedia menyerahkan tesis untuk pemeriksaan seperti termaktub dalam Minit Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Siswazah KITA Bil. 1/2015 bertarikh 8 Januari 2015.

    KITA Postgraduate Colloquium for the presentation of students’ final draft is held separately in the occassion when a student anticipates submitting his or her final thesis draft for examination. Students are required to present their final draft before submitting the notice of thesis submission for examination. In the presentation, the invited reviewer will give his or her views on whether the student is ready to submit the thesis for examination as stipulated in the Minutes of KITA Postgraduate Committee Meeting No. 1/2015 dated 8 January 2015.

  8. Tertakluk kepada keputusan Jawatankuasa Siswazah KITA, pelajar yang didapati belum bersedia untuk menyerahkan tesis untuk pemeriksaan, perluΒ membuat pembentangan draf akhir kali kedua dalam siri Wacana Kajian Etnik. Perkara ini adalah berdasarkan keputusan yang dicapai dalam Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pengajian Siswazah 4/2016 bertarikh 6 Jun 2016.

    Subject to the KITA Postgraduate Committee’s decision, a student who is determined to be unready to submit his or her thesis for examination, will be required to present the draft for the second time in the form of the Ethnic Discourse series. This decision is approved at the KITA Postgraduate Committee Meeting No. 4/2016 dated 6 June 2016.

  9. Seorang pengulas yang terdiri daripada pensyarah dalam bidang kepakaran yang releven akan dijemput khas untuk membuat ulasan dan memberi cadangan penambahbaikan. Salinan borang ulasan yang diisi pengulas akan diserahkan kepada pelajar untuk rujukan, perbincangan susulan dengan penyelia dan penambahbaikan. Rujuk Garis Panduan Pemantauan Hasil Maklum Balas dari Kolokium/Seminar Pemantauan Siswazah UKM yang berkuatkuasa mulai 13 Februari 2017 untuk maklumat lanjut perkara ini.

    A reviewer who is a lecturer with the relevant expertise will be invited to give his or her constructive comments and suggestions for improvement. A copy of the completed review form stating the reviewer’s comments will be given to the student for reference, follow-up discussions with supervisor(s) and improvement. Refer to Guideline for Post Colloquium/Monitoring Seminar Follow-up Communication Record that have been implemented from 13 February 2017 for further details on the matter.