1. Academia (A platform specialized for searching research paper)
2. Acta Informatica Malaysia (Cover topics in science of information and knowledge management)
3. ACS Open Access (ACS Publications)
5. ACS Omega
6. ALT’s Open Access Journal (Learning Technology)
7. Asian Ethnology (Folklore; Asian Studies)
8. Asian EFL Journal (Arts and Humanities)
9. Attarbawiy – Malaysian Online Journal of Education (KUIS) (Covering peer reviewed articles dedicated to scholarly study of all aspects of Education and Social Sciences)
10. BASE (search engines especially for academic web resources)
11. BMJ Journals (Medicine, General & Internal)’
12. Canadian Studies in Population (Arts and Humanities)
13. ChemSpider (Chemistry)
14. CORE (Connecting Repositories) (Open Access Research Papers)
15. Cogent Arts & Humanities (Arts & Humanities)
16. Computational Linguistics (The MIT Press Journals)
17. Cultural Anthropology (Arts and Humanities)
18. Cultural Anthropology (Anthropology)
19. Demographic Research (Demography)
20. Digital Commons Network (collection of peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work)
21. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
22. EBSCO Open Dissertations (Theses & Dissertations)
23.Elsevier Open access journals
24. eLife
26. Environmental Research Letters
27. European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (Economics, Business Studies and related multidisciplinary fields)
28. edpsciences (A platform to several open access journals,books,conference for subject physics & astronomy, engineering and technology, health sciences and dentistry etc)
29. EThOS (e-theses online service hosted by British Library)
30. Free Medical Access (Link all open access journals for Medical Sciences)
31. Frontiers In Psychology (Psychology, Multidisciplinary)
32.International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (Social Sciences Interdisciplinary)
33. International Social Science Journal (Social Sciences – Other Topics)
34. JAIR (Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research)
35. Journal of Writing Research (Arts and Humanities)
36. Journal of Statistical Software (Mathematics)
37. Journals For Free (Multidisciplinary)
38. Journal Of Entrepreneurship, Management And Innovation (entrepreneurship, management, and innovation)
39. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology (Psychology)
40. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology (Psychology)
41. Language Learning and Technology (Arts and Humanities)
42. Life Sciences, Society and Policy (Arts and Humanities)
43. Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal
44. MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)
45. MyCite (Malaysian scholarly publications)
46. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (Geosciences)
47. Nature communications (Provides high quality research papers from all area of natural sciences)
48. NDLTD Global ETD Search (Theses & Dissertations)
49. Open Access Journals Search Engine (OAJSE)
52. Open Geography Education (Geography)
53. Open Access Theses and Dissertations (Theses & Dissertations)
54. PQDT Open (Provides full text of open access dissertations and theses)
55. Project MUSE – Open Access (offers open access books and journals from several distinguished university presses and scholarly societies)
56. PLOS (Public Library of Science)
57. Religions (Religions and Theology)
58. Royal Society Open Science
59. ROAD (Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources)
60. SpringerOpen
61. SciTech Connect
62. ROAR (Registry of Open Access Repositories)
63. Saudi Journal Of Biological Sciences (Biology; Life Sciences & Biomedicine)
64. Science advances
65. Scinapse: Academic search engine�(Search engine to find the scientific paper)
66. Singapore Medical Journal (SJM) (Producing high quality publication by Singapore Medical Association (SMA)
67. Sustainability (Environmental Sciences)
68. Sustainability (Environmental Sciences & Ecology)
69. SwePub (Academic publications at Swedish universities)
70. Theoretical Economics
71. UM Repository Students Repository (Theses & Dissertations)
72. UUM eTheses (Theses & Dissertations)
73. UUM Journal of Legal Studies (Peer reviewed journal of current legal issues
74. UiTM IR (Research Publication)
75. UTM IR (Dissertations and theses)
76. Wiley Open Access
77. Web Ecology (Ecology)
78. World Conferences.net�
(Information on repository for world class conferences)