Higher Education English Test (HEET) Training

The Higher Education English Test (HEET) provides a fair and accurate assessment of academic English proficiency within a second or foreign language context. Aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), the test is specifically designed to evaluate the English language proficiency of both local and international candidates seeking admission to Malaysian higher education institutions.

A primary objective of HEET is to generate a positive washback effect on English language learning and to serve as a valuable diagnostic tool for candidates and their prospective supervisors/academic advisors. This assessment provides crucial insights into the candidates’ English language abilities.

Test candidates are expected to have studied English as a core subject throughout secondary school and have successfully completed formal English examinations at the secondary school level. Furthermore, they are anticipated to have continued developing their English speaking and writing skills during their tertiary education, whether pursuing the Malaysian Higher School Certificate (STPM), a matriculation program, or a diploma.

Candidates will listen to three audio recordings of increasing length. Each recording will feature either a conversation or a lecture on an academic topic relevant to higher education. The listening section comprises 25 objective questions to be completed within 40 minutes. 

The questions are designed in sequential order, mirroring the presentation of information in the audio recordings. Candidates are provided with time to preview the questions before each listening segment. Each recording will be played twice. 

The audio recordings will feature a variety of easily understandable accents. Candidates are required to record their answers directly on the provided question paper during the listening segments. At the conclusion of the listening section, candidates will be allotted  10 minutes to transfer their answers from the question paper to the OMR form.

Candidates will respond to 40 objective questions based on three reading passages. The reading comprehension section has a time limit of 60 minutes. 

The passages will generally explore topics related to higher education or interdisciplinary academic issues. The content will be presented at an accessible level, ensuring comprehension by candidates from diverse academic backgrounds. 

At the conclusion of the reading section, candidates will transfer their answers from the provided question paper to the OMR form.

The writing test will be conducted within a 60-minute timeframe, requiring candidates to complete two writing tasks. The first task has a word limit of 150 words, while the second task requires a 300-word response. 

These writing tasks are designed to assess candidates’ ability to produce academic writing, encompassing both information exchange and discursive/analytical/argumentative elements. 

Candidates will be provided with an answer booklet during the examination. Each task  will be independently evaluated by two trained assessors using a dedicated assessment rubric aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages  (CEFR). 

The average score from both assessors for each task will be calculated to determine the candidate’s proficiency level.

The speaking test is conducted within a 30-minute timeframe in the presence of an examiner.  Candidates will engage in three speaking tasks designed to assess their ability to perform various communication functions commonly encountered in higher education settings. These tasks include factual information presentation, information transfer/exchange (including argumentation and debate skills), and academic interaction. 

    • Task 1     :  Candidates will have one minute to prepare for a two-minute presentation.
    • Task 2      : Candidates will have three minutes to prepare for a two-minute presentation.
    • Task 3       : Candidates will have three minutes to prepare for a three-minute presentation. 

Each task will be independently evaluated by two trained assessors using a dedicated  assessment rubric aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The average score from both assessors for each task will be calculated to determine the candidate’s proficiency level.

The Higher Education English Test (HEET) assesses candidates’ proficiency in English across four key academic skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each test component is designed to comprehensively evaluate a wide range of English language abilities in non-native speakers, which are essential for successful academic pursuits in higher education institutions.

Marking for the reading and listening sections is computer-automated. Conversely, the  writing and speaking components are evaluated by a team of six trained assessors using an independent double-scoring system.

The accuracy of examiner scoring for textual and numerical responses is rigorously monitored by a dedicated quality assurance and control team. Each component is scored against assessment rubrics aligned with the Common European Framework of  Reference for Languages (CEFR), ranging from A1 to C2. A detailed mapping between  HEET levels and CEFR levels is presented below:


The HEET course is delivered by designated language centres (training providers) and focuses on developing academic language proficiency across four core skills: listening,  speaking, reading, and writing. Furthermore, the training emphasizes the development of essential academic skills such as critical thinking, public speaking and presentation delivery, note-taking, and academic research. The goal is to cultivate students’  proficiency in English for academic success.

The training program employs continuous assessment aligned with the Common  European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Student performance is evaluated based on the learning outcomes established for each course. Ultimately, the aim is to foster the learning and development of students’ academic English language skills.

Time10.00 AM – 1.00 PM10.00 AM – 1.00 PM
2.30 PM – 5.30 PM3.00 AM – 4.30 PM
Week4 Weeks Per Level
Hour6 Hours Per Day
30 Hours Per Week
120 Hours Per Level

The process of application for stand alone

The process of application at JOIN UKM

CEPT Flowchart

Tuition Fee

English Language Competency

Method of payment

Payment Amount:

      • Please refer to the HEET Training website for the current tuition fee.

Payment Receipt :

      • To ensure smooth fee verification, students must provide the following information on their payment receipt before uploading it to Espeed:
          • Student Name
          • Student Number (found on your HEET Training offer letter)
          • Passport Number

Important Note :

      • Only use the student number provided in your HEET Training offer letter.

Incorrect Information :

      • If you provide inaccurate information on your payment receipt (especially the student number), the Financial Department will be unable to verify your payment.
        In this case, you will need to:
          • Make a new payment with the correct information.
          • After completing the HEET Training, your previous payment will be refunded to the program account.

Proof of Payment :

Important :

      • Failure to submit the proof of payment and student information will result in a delay in updating your payment status.

Contact Us

Centre for Shaping Advanced & Professional Education (UKMSHAPE)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi Selangor

Contact us

Office Operation Hour

Monday – Thursday
8.00 am – 1.00 pm
2.00 pm – 5.00 pm

8.00 am – 12.15 pm
2.45 pm – 5.00 pm

Counter Operation Hour

Monday – Thursday
8.15 am – 12.45 pm
2.15 pm – 4.45 pm

8.15 am -12.00 pm
3.00 pm -4.45 pm

Saturday & Sunday

UKMShape Maps

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