Date: 28th April 2022 (Thursday)
Venue: Cisco Webex
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Helmi Ali
Deputy Dean Research & Innovation, UKM-Graduate School of Business, UKM
Prof. Dr. Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh
Professor in Community Health (UKM) & Chairman Technical Advisory TACHTEE MoH
Economic and cost applications are an integral part in maintaining an effective yet efficient healthcare management. These include health economic (HE) assessment methods in health/medical activities be it in drugs reimbursement, medical interventions, vaccines policies and decision analysis. Such examples would include health outcome research and economic assessment. Examples would include cost benefit analysis, cost effectiveness analysis, cost minimization and cost utility analysis (CUA). Most CUA would incorporate quality of lives analysis with different weightage and scoring methods available. Incorporating HE analyses would benefit healthcare into better decision outcome, using robust assumptions, while providing efficient options yet cost saving in the future. Here we provide a basic introduction into HE and outcome research, its applications and examples that audiences may use for their calculation and management tool.