Institut Perubahan Iklim

 Institute of Climate Change

Greening Malaysia is an initiative by the government of Malaysia that aims toΒ increase the awareness on the importance of forest areaΒ and one of the national agendas in addressing climate change and improving the quality of life.


Community Engagement

To implement community engagement program to increase the involvement of communities and agencies through cooperatives to plant one million trees.

Rehabilitation of Degraded Forest

To support conservation of degraded forest through rehabilitation of 20 acres of forest reserve which will be used as the site of β€˜Adopt a tree’ campaign.

Preserving the environment

To support the government's efforts in preserving the environment with aims to increase at least 20% of forest area (terrestrial & inland water) in Malaysia within 10 years (2025).

Module Publication

Increase knowledge and cultivate environmental awareness to students and local communities through the publication of learning modules and train of trainers (TOT) program.