
(Centre for Shaping Advanced & Professional Education)

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| Renewal Application

A student pass allows multiple entry and issued on an annual / one-off basis. Renewal fees are to be paid by students and should be applied as early as 3 months or at least 2 months before student pass expiry date, by submitting your documents online at Please ensure that your current passport contains your student pass together with the most recent entry stamp to Malaysia. However, if there is none, please submit your old passport copy which has the entry stamp.

If your student pass duration is valid for more than 1 year (one-off passes), it is compulsory for you to renew your iKad and insurance at least 2 months before the expiry date. Late renewal penalty applies for student pass/ iKad and insurance if it is received within 50 days before student pass expiry. Note that EMGS will not proceed with the iKad application if your academic and attendance report does not satisfy the requirement of the Ministry of Higher Education. Depending on EMGS current policy, an appeal can be made for iKad renewal, and if the appeal is not successful, EMGS shall arrange to cancel the student’s pass at the Immigration Department.

Students with one-off student pass who does not submit renewal for iKad and insurance, will be automatically charged with late penalty and insurance renewal fees (whenever applicable), if no submission is received by 50 days before date of expiry. HESA also reserves the right to report to the Faculty and relevant authorities if we do not receive any response from the student.

*Please be informed that Etiqa Family Takaful Berhad (EFTB) are no longer issuing physical medical cards for policies purchased through EMGS. Students are required to download the Smile App from Google Play or App Store.For more information, please click on Etiqa Smile Apps

Kindly note that approval to renew your student pass will be based on your academic records, and entirely up to Immigration’s discretion. Please also be reminded that overstaying is a serious Immigration offence (late renewal and/or overstay penalty applies).

Penalty and fees – please refer to Administrative Fee & Fine/Penalty > FINE / PENALTY table for further details.

Note : Starting 19/4/2021, HESA UKMShape will resume imposing penalties as Immigration have resumed normal operations. Students who are currently in Malaysia without a valid pass will be subject to UKMShape penalties and also Immigration regulations. Meanwhile, those who are outside Malaysia are required to submit their renewal documents at least 2 months before the date of expiry, to avoid accumulation of penalty (Renewal will be kept on hold until 2 months before date of returning to Malaysia).