Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law
No eISSN: 0127-788X2019 4(2)
15 DECEMBER 2019

Analisis Syariah Terhadap Kedudukan Bitcoin Sebagai Alat Pembayaran
Sharia Analysis of the Bitcoin Status As Payment Method
Muhammad Amir Husairi Che Rani,
Postgraduate Student, Research Centre for Sharia, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Ahmad Dahlan Salleh,
Research Centre for Sharia, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Received: 02 May 2019 | Accepted: 01 October 2019 | Published: 15 December 2019
2019, Vol. 4(2), pp. 46-64. | PDF
Bitcoin merupakan mata wang maya yang sangat popular dan memiliki kedudukan tertinggi berbanding mata wang kripto lain. Muncul sebagai mata wang disentralisasi dalam fokus mengubah sistem monetari dunia, bitcoin berhadapan dengan kekangan legitimasi, ketiadaan regulasi dan menjadi alat pembayaran yang paling ideal untuk aktiviti pelanggaran undang-undang. Secara umumnya, artikel ini akan memfokuskan perbincangan tentang mekanisme operasi bitcoin serta relevansi bitcoin dalam berfungsi sebagai medium pertukaran, alat pengukur nilai dan alat penyimpan nilai menurut perspektif Shariah. Selain itu, kertas ini menyenaraikan beberapa fatwa dan pandangan ilmuan Islam berkaitan status bitcoin menurut syariah dan melakukan analisis terhadap unsur gharar dan riba bagi menentukan status bitcoin sebagai alat pembayaran dalam akad jual beli menurut perspektif syariah. Hasil perbincangan ini menjelaskan hujah dan sebab serta hukum penggunaan bitcoin sebagai alat pembayaran menurut Shariah.
Kata kunci: Bitcoin, fungsi wang, fatwa, akad jual beli, gharar dan riba.
Bitcoin is the most popular virtual currency and ranked higher than other cryptocurrencies. Emerging as a decentralized currency in the focus of transforming the worldwide monetary system, bitcoin is confronted with legitimacy constrain, lack of regulation and becomes the ideal means of payment for illegal activities. Generally, this article will focus on discussions on the mechanism of bitcoin operations as well as the relevance of bitcoin in functioning as a medium of exchange, unit of value and store of value based on Shariah perspective. In addition, this article also lists some fatwas and views of Islamic scholars related to the status of bitcoin according to Shariah as well as analyzes the uncertainty and usury elements to determine the status of bitcoin as means of payment in sales contract according to Shariah perspective. The outcome of this discussion explains the arguments, reasons and the ruling of bitcoin usage as means of payment according to Shariah.
Keywords: Bitcoin, function of money, fatwa, sales contract, uncertainty and usury.
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