Pelajar Semasa
KITA ditubuhkan pada 8 Oktober 2007 sebagai satu-satunya institut penyelidikan di Malaysia yang memberikan fokus penuh kepada kajian berkenaan etnik dan etnisiti. Mulai Semester 2 Sesi Akademik 2009/2010, KITA menawarkan program pengajian siswazah secara mod penyelidikan. Sehingga 14 Januari 2025, seramai 70 orang pelajar yang sedang mengikuti program Pengajian Etnik di peringkat Sarjana atau Doktor Falsafah.
Papan Kenyataan Pelajar Siswazah KITA 2024/2025
Dr. Nur Atiqah Tang Abdullah
Penyelaras Program Pengajian Siswazah KITA
Mohd. Faris Ngadinin @ Adinin
Ketua Penolong Pendaftar Kanan
Siti Normadinah Abdul Rahman
Pembantu Tadbir Kanan
Nur Aimuni Othman
Pembantu Tadbir
Dokumen β’ Documents
Dokumen β’Document | Edisi β’ Edition |
Academic Calendar / Kalendar Akademik | |
KITA Postgraduate Handbook / Buku Panduan Siswazah KITA | 2017/2018 |
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Rules and Regulations (Postgraduate Studies) / Peraturan-peraturan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Pengajian Siswazah) (2021) | |
Guidelines for Postgraduate Studentsβ Supervision / Garis Panduan Penyeliaan Pelajar Siswazah (2021) | |
Guidelines for Conducting Oral Examination for Dissertation/Thesis (2021) | |
UKM Thesis Writing Referencing Style, Third Printing / Panduan Penulisan Tesis Gaya UKM Cetakan Ketiga (2015) | |
UKM Student’s Financial Guidebook / Buku Panduan Kewangan Pelajar UKM (2016-2017) | |
Guideline for Post Colloquium/Monitoring Seminar Follow-up Communication Record | |
Guide to register a Microsoft 365 Account for UKM New Students / Panduan pendaftaran akaun Microsoft 365 bagi pelajar baharu UKM | |
Application for Approval of Students Mobility (Outbound) Activities/Programmes / Permohonan Kelulusan Aktiviti/Program Pelajar Ke Luar Negara |
Borang β’ Forms
Kategori β’ Category | No. Borang β’ | Nama Borang β’ Form Name | Tarikh Kuat Kuasa β’ |
P02: Intake | UKM-SPKPPP-PT(PdP)-02-AK02-BO02 | Permohonan Tangguh Pendaftaran Masuk Pascasiswazah β’ Postgraduateβs Admission Deferment | 01/04/2024 |
P03: Registration | UKM-SPKPPP- PT(PdP)-03-AK03-BO01 | Borang Permohonan Penangguhan Pengajian β’ Application for Study Deferment | 01/04/2024 |
P03: Registration | UKM-SPKPPP-PT(PdP)-03-AK03-BO02 | Borang Permohonan Pengecualian Kursus β’ Application for Course Exemption | 01/04/2024 |
P03: Registration | UKM-SPKPPP- PT(PdP)-03-AK03-BO03 | Borang Permohonan Pertukaran Fakulti / Program / Pengkhususan / Bentuk Pendaftaran / Mod Pengajian β’ Application for Change of Faculty / Programme / Area of Specialization / Form of Registration / Mode of Study | 01/04/2024 |
P03: Registration | UKM-SPKPPP- PT(PdP)-03-AK03-BO04 | Borang Permohonan Tambah Masa Pengajian β’ Application for Extension of Study Period | 01/04/2024 |
P04: Teaching and Supervision | UKM-SPKPPP- PT(PdP)-04-AK02-BO01 | Permohonan Pertukaran Penyelia β’ Application for Change Supervisor | 01/04/2024 |
P05: Examination | UKM-SPKPPP-PT(PdP)-05-AK03-BO01 | Borang Pengesahan Bebas Plagiat β’ Non-Plagiarism Verification | 01/04/2024 |
P05: Examination | UKM-SPKPPP-PT(PdP)-05-AK03-BO02 | Borang dan Senarai Semak Notis Penyerahan Tesis β’ Check List of Notice of Thesis / Dissertation Submission | 01/04/2024 |
P05: Examination | UKM-SPKPPP-PT(PdP)-05-AK03-BO04 | Borang dan Senarai Semak Urusan Penyerahan Tesis Untuk Pemeriksaan β’ Form and Check List for Submission of Thesis for Examination | 01/04/2024 |
P05: Examination | UKM-SPKPPP-PT(PdP)-05-AK04-BO07 | Borang dan Senarai Semak Penyerahan Tesis Selepas Pembetulan β’ Form and Check List of Amended Thesis Submission | 01/04/2024 |
Sistem β’ Systems
System | Name | Description |
SMP | Student Information System / Sistem Maklumat Pelajar | For semester registration and thesis registration at the beginning of every semester |
TESES / SPPP | Teaching and Supervision Evaluation System / Sistem Penilaian Pengajaran & Penyeliaan | For studentβs evaluation on the quality of teaching and supervision received; to be submitted at the end of every semester. |
iSTAR | Studentβs Integrated System of Talent, Activities and Resume / Sistem Integrasi Bakat, Aktiviti dan Resume Pelajar | Information recorded in the system will be extracted as part of Malaysia Qualification Statement (MQS) in tandem with degree conferment after the student successfully completes a postgraduate program. |
eFACt | UKM Feedback and Complaints System / Sistem Maklum Balas dan Aduan UKM | Official channel for the submission of complaints and feedback such as suggestions, inquiries, and appreciation of services (physical facilities, ICT) and staff members. |
SPeEP | Student’s E-mail Application System | Online application system for registration of UKM student email. Itβs for all UKM students. |
Lain-lain β’ Miscellaneous
Deskripsi β’ Description | Pautan β’ Link |
Hebahan dan makluman melalui saluran sosial media rasmi KITA | Facebook KITA |
Semakan status jurnal tempatan mengikut keperluan MyRA | Website MyCite |
Saluran hebahan informasi dan pengumuman khusus berkaitan pengajian siswazah KITA | Channel Telegram Siswazah KITA |
Sistem pencarian maklumat koleksi Perpustakaan UKM secara atas talian | Katalog GEMILANG |
Sistem pencarian maklumat jurnal, tesis dan buku digital yang dilanggan Perpustakaan UKM | Portal e-Journal |