The APN invites proposals under the CAPaBLE Programme for funding from October 1, 2021. A limited amount of financial support is available for regional research activities that fall within its areas of interest.

Activities related to CAPaBLE programme that APN supports cover the following:

  1. Capacity development activities that promote the following approaches related to one or more the five thematic areas of APN:
  • Utilizing and strengthening existing capacity
  • Creating opportunities to use/instil capacity
  • Developing new capacity through innovative approaches
  1. Awareness raising and dissemination activities for policy- and decision-making communities, civil society and/or the general public.
  2. Science-policy interfacing in the context of the five thematic areas.
  3. Capacity development partnership activity that contribute to the capacity development components of the evolving global change arena, including IPCC, IPBES, post-2015 Sustainable Development goals, and ongoing and new global change and sustainability research programmes.

High Priority Themes for Funding

At the APN’s 43rd Steering Committee Meeting (held in July 2020), the APN SC agreed to conduct an online survey to assess the continued relevance of the priority topics from the FY 2019 Call for Proposals for the FY 2020 Call for Proposals and to identify key and emerging issues in 2020. Following the results of the survey, APN invites trans- and interdisciplinary capacity development proposals focusing on the following themes for South Asia, Southeast Asia, Temperate East Asia and the Pacific as indicated below:

  1. Global change and sustainability in the COVID-19 era: Pursuit of transformation to more resilient societies
    • Integrated approaches to promote decarbonized societies, regional circular and ecological sphere (R-CES), and formulation of decentralized societies to create long-term economic and societal benefits.
    • Build back better: promote greener economies, improve air quality and waste
    • Impacts on local livelihoods and human security: increasing resilience and adaptation while ensuring harmony between society and nature.
  2. Climate change and climate variability and their related impacts in national and regional contexts (particularly climate projections/downscaling, extreme events, AP-PLAT, DRR and adaptive recovery, monsoon, etc.))
  3. Ecosystem-based adaptation and disaster risk reduction
  4. Smart agriculture (particularly resource allocation, livestock, food, technology transfer, innovation, extension, etc.)
  5. Transboundary issues (particularly pollution, water quality, human health, fisheries and microplastics, marine plastic debris, invasive species, waste management, etc.)

Proposals that do not address any of the above themes will not be accepted under the 2020 Call for Proposals.


Researchers, academics, practitioners working in institutions based in APN member countries and approved countries are eligible to apply for APN grants. Details of eligibility criteria are outlined in the Guide for Proponents.

Special consideration

At the 43rd Steering Committee (SC) meeting held online in July 2020, SC members reconfirmed the importance of enhancing support to and engagement of early-career researchers/scientists in the Asia-Pacific region by providing a platform for early-career researchers/scientists to utilize their knowledge and innovative ideas to address regional issues related to global change and sustainability. Therefore, APN encourages applications from early-career researchers/scientists/practitioners. Collaborative regional research proposals submitted by early-career proponents that fulfil the eligibility criteria set by the SC will receive particular attention.

Note on criteria:

  1. The main proponent should have a Master’s degree with three years of working experience, a PhD degree with at least one year of working experience, or received his/her highest postgraduate degree within the previous ten years; and
  2. The team has at least 1 early-career researcher/scientist from each APN member country or APN approved country engaged in the proposal.


Please note that APN does not support:

  • The running costs of institutions;
  • The salaries of administration staff; the salaries of researchers who receive or are to receive full-time salary support;
  • The salaries of consultants (project leaders and collaborators should have the expertise to conduct the activities);
  • The maintenance of long-term observation and monitoring systems; and
  • General purpose equipment such as personal computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets or fixed office structure (desks, chairs, etc).

For further information on what APN can and cannot support, please refer to Information for applicants.

Submission Procedure

Proponents must submit a Summary Proposal under the CAPaBLE Programme by completing the submission form. The form must be completed and submitted by Sunday, 6 December 2020. Applications will undergo a screening process performed by the APN’s Capacity Development Committee (CDC) and Scientific Planning Group (SPG) who will select successful proponents that will proceed to the next stage. All proponents are notified of the results of the preliminary screening by the end of January 2021 or in early February 2021.

Proponents who pass this stage will be invited to submit a Full Proposal for further consideration by the CDC, SPG, external reviewers and APN stakeholders, as appropriate.

Closing Date

Summary Proposals must be completed and submitted by Sunday, 6 December 2020. Please refer to Information for applicants or send your inquiries to

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