UKM Sustainable Campus Program 2030
Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dato’ Mr. Ts. Dr. Mohd Ekhwan Hj. Toriman inaugurated the UKM 2030 Sustainable Campus Program at Akademia Siber Teknopolis, today. This program is organized by the Strategy Center in collaboration with the Green Engineering Research Group and Net Zero Solutions, the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Environment and Development Institute (LESTARI).
The Vice-Chancellor in his speech said that conservation and recycling practices are very important for survival and efforts should be taken to ensure that natural resources can be maintained for future generations. Through this kind of program, the sharing and transfer of knowledge can drive towards increasing awareness among the community about the importance of efficient environmental preservation and care in order to ensure the quality of the environment to a better level.
The program also held a sharing session on the country’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the Director of the National SDG Center, Ministry of Economy, Mr. Asfaazam Kasbi. Also present, Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academic and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Kassim; Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation Affairs, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Wan Kamal Mujani; Pro Vice Chancellor of Strategy and Corporate Development, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Roslee Rajikan and Head Librarian, Miss Rohaya Umar.