Sharing Session: Tips for Winning the National Young Scientist Award
The UKM Strategy Center as the award secretariat at the UKM level invites all UKM citizens who are interested in participating in the National Young Scientist Award Winning Tips Sharing Session which will be held as per the following details:
Date: 27 May 2024 (Monday)
Time: 10.00 am
Platform: Zoom –…
1. Dr. Ang Wei Lun,
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Recipient of the 2022 National Young Scientist Award
2. ChM. Dr. Mohamad Azuwa Mohamed,
Faculty of Science and Technology
Recipient of the 2023 National Young Scientist Award
Attendance to this session will be registered in the Urus Bakat UKM system. Accordingly, all interested UKM citizens are invited to attend. Thank you.