We are pleased to inform that application for the Underwriters Laboratories-ASEAN-US Science Prize for Women 2021 is now open with the theme: Clean Air and Clean Water.
It is with national pride that Malaysian researcher, Dr. Yoke Fun Chan was conferred the winner of ASEAN-U.S. Science Prize for Women 2020 (with the theme: Preventive Healthcare – Infectious Disease) during the 78th ASEAN Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation (ASEAN COSTI).
The Ministry takes pride of the pool of young researchers and scientists the nation has who have contributed much to the nation. Hence as in yester years, the Ministry seeks the kind assistance of the Academy of Science Malaysia (ASM) and The ASEAN Young Scientists Network (AYSN) to disseminate the call for application for the 2021 ASEAN-US Science Prize for Women with the theme: Clean Water and Clean Air; which can be accessed through the link: https://scienceprize4women.asean.org/#slider
Further information can be obtained from the links below:-
ASEAN Website: https://asean.org/launched-underwriters-laboratories-asean-u-s-science-prize-women-2021/?highlight=women%20prize
U.S. Mission to ASEAN website: https://asean.usmission.gov/launch-of-the-2021-underwriters-laboratories-asean-u-s-science-prize-for-women-focusing-on-clean-air-and-clean-water/
Kindly be informed the closing date for application is on 15 March 2021. Please do not hesitate to be in touch with us for any assistance. Please feel free to disseminate the information further.